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Symbolic message of the supernova SN2019yvq

The blue dot marks the approximate location of the supernova event

Astrophysicists have spotted a spectacular flash of ultraviolet light accompanying a white dwarf explosion. It's only the second time such a rare type of supernova has been seen, they say, and may help explain how white dwarfs explode. The flash "is telling us something very specific", says Adam Miller from Northwestern University, US, the lead author of a paper in the Astrophysical Journal.

Using the Zwicky Transient Facility in California, the researchers spotted the event, named SN2019yvq, just a day after it occurred last December in a galaxy about 140 million light-years from Earth and very close to the tail of the dragon-shaped Draco constellation.

The worldview underlying astrology sees all of reality as symbolic in nature. To the symbolist, the heavenly bodies are threads within a great tapestry of affinities and correspondences. Elwell has defined the term multicongruence as  the tendency for certain things and conditions to co-occur because they belong together at a higher, unmanifest level.

The supernova SN2019yvq [1] aligns with the Owl Nebula among other entities. About this Nebula, Nick Fiorenza writes:

The Owl Nebula is one of the largest planetary nebulas. It has a faint central star and two dark recessed regions that give the nebula its name. Nebulas in general create a type of facade or fog that colors the zodiakal theme. The Owl Nebula suggest we use wisdom and night vision to see that which is obscured by the dogmatic veils that we uphold with our existing belief structures, or those created by prominent ego-based individuals and world powers. Here lies the need to see through the existing picture of our reality, and to use creative (third-eye) vision to allow alternative realms and possibilities to emerge into our awareness. Only then can we step into the apparent abyss where a hidden bridge awaits--to step out upon the Path of the Lion.

The COVID-19 pandemic was announced by the Chinese government in December 2019. Does this ring a bell? Might this "plandemic" be serving some nefarious agenda? And is the discovery of the supernova hinting at the need to cut through obscuring veils to see the truth? 


  1. Yessss Javed... S.O.S. lol seriously...
    I ll finish my sentence elsewhere!
    Thank you


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