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Astrometeorology of the US drought

As the United States moves into the last weeks of climatological summer, one-third of the country is experiencing at least a moderate level of drought. According to the Drought Monitor, more than 93 percent of the land area in Utah, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico is in some level of drought; 69 percent of Utah is in severe drought, as is 61 percent of Colorado. More than three-fourths of Oregon, Arizona, and Wyoming are also in drought. The effects of “severe” drought include stunted and browning crops, limited pasture yields, dust storms, reduced well water levels, and an increase in the number and severity of wildfires. Most of those areas had no sign of drought in the mid-summer of 2019.

Weather prediction by astrometeorology is a highly refined area of sidereal science. Classical horoscopic weather prediction is based on forecasts of the influences of the planets in solstice or equinox horoscopes. Half of the total influence of a weather horoscope is  judged from the 4th house cusp and planets therein, and their aspects.

Here is the chart for the Sun’s entry into Cancer (summer solstice) drawn for Salt Lake City, Utah and applicable for most areas mentioned above. Notice the conjunction of Saturn-Pluto in the 4th house.

Fourth House In Mundane Astrology [1]:
Land, the owners of it, workers on it, crops and produce. The farming and mining industry.

Saturn is associated with a lack or contraction. When combined with Pluto it can give very severe conditions. It is, therefore,  easy to understand why there is a drought and crops suffer.

In her article “Musings on Psyche and Nature” [2]  Betsy Perluss explains the fine connection between events  in the outer world and the depths of our psyche.
