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Israel chart and the Uranus Full Moon

TEL AVIV  - About 5,000 people gathered in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's residence in Jerusalem on Saturday evening as anti-government protests in Israel entered the fifth consecutive weekend, police told Sputnik. Aug. 8

The horoscope of Israel has a Saturn-Pluto conjunction in the 10th house which governs the Prime Minister or the head of the nation. Lunations (New or Full Moons) can affect a country dramatically when they fall on the on significant planets in its mundane horoscope. The Full Moon [12aq] of August 3  fell opposite Pluto [12le] activating the Saturn-Pluto  conjunction. Much like in Beirut, the Full Moon at Tel Aviv fell in the angles. In Beirut, the Full Moon square Uranus [11ta] caused a massive blast. In Tel Aviv  with transit Uranus beginning its square to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in the Israel chart, we are hearing a blastof  a different kind. Noel Tyl delineates Uranus acting on Saturn-Pluto as: Brutal efforts to start a new order, an attack, regardless of potential losses. For Martha Wescott it is : to see breakthroughs in a long term problematic situation that forces a disruption or break (or some kind of Emancipation Proclamation).

Among other things Capricorn and its ruler Saturn are associated with government and those in power. Pluto, as Lord of the underworld, always brings shadow material to the surface. As it passes through a sign or aspects a planet, the darker dimensions of that sign or planet loom large in the collective experience. Dark Capricorn or Saturn can be frightening. It invokes the image of the controlling tyrant suppressing truth and murdering enemies, real or perceived. Ultimately, it is not even really about a political ideology. Ultimately it is about fear: the fear of losing control or power, the fear of change, the fear of anything or anyone perceived as alien, and fear of the unknowable future.

Pluto in astrology acts as a force for creative destruction. Under Pluto  transits people and other entities are  tested for flaws in character. If the flaws are deep, they will fall. Netanyahu (b. 21 Oct. 1949) has his radix Sun [27li] conjunct Israel’s Ascendant [26li] (the common people) with both receiving a powerful hard transit from the current Saturn-Pluto conjunction.  

PS: The Full Moon also fell on the meridian of the India independence chart opposite the radix Saturn-Pluto [13le] conjunction on the IC. Indian readers may like to speculate on what that means. The Air India crash at Kozikode is one event linked to the Full Moon.
