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Japan's PM resigns for health reasons

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has announced his resignation for health reasons. He said he did not want his illness to get in the way of decision making, and apologised to the Japanese people for failing to complete his term in office. The 65-year-old has suffered for many years from ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease, but he said his condition had worsened recently. Last year, he became Japan's longest serving prime minister. His current period in office began in 2012.

The mundane horoscope of Japan as provided by Campion, in his  "The Book of World Horoscopes" [1] is reproduced here. There are two  significant transits in this chart. First  Uranus station retrograde on Aug. 15 right on top of the radix Sun square radix Pluto. Among other things the Sun in a national chart symbolizes the Prime Minister. For Ebertin Uranus-Pluto is “the process of transformation - the collapse of the old order of things”.  That would definitely seem to apply to Japan's PM.

The second significant transit is Saturn-Pluto conjoining the Ascendant with Mars now coming up to square the two.

In a previous post, I wrote:

Mars’ upcoming retrograde cycle square to the ongoing Saturn-Pluto conjunction is the big news for the rest of this year.   Saturn–Pluto activated by the Mars transit reflects a lesson about the right use of power, so the combination is also associated with the karmic consequences of corruption and abuse of power.

Among the several mundane phenomena that astrologers study, one of them are charts for exact planetary aspects. Shown here is the chart for the exact Mars-Saturn square that took place on Aug. 25. This is drawn for the co-ordinates of Tokyo. Notice that Mars is placed on the MC – the point which rules the head of the nation. And moreover it forms a T-square with Saturn-Pluto and the medical asteroid Hygiea.

Once again referencing Ebertin we have for Mars-Saturn: “Harmful or destructive energy, inhibited or destroyed vitality.”

But this is where things get really interesting. Mars [26ar] is conjunct the star Al Pherg about which Nick Fiorenza [2] writes:

Al Pherg, Eta Pisces (conjoining Cas-A) Intestinal issues and ailments are not uncommon at the sidereal Pisces-Aries cusp.

Is it at all a surprise that  the Japanese PM Shinzo Abe announced his resignation for health reasons and that he suffers from ulcerative colitis – a disease that affects the intestinal tract?!
