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Mars retrograde cycle

Mars Retrograde Dates in 2020:
Mars is retrograde from September 9th to November 13th, 2020.

Mars enters its retrograde zone on July 25th, 2020, at 15 Aries 14
Mars turns retrograde on September 9th, 2020, at 28° Aries 08’Rx
Mars turns direct on November 13th, 2020, at 15° Aries 14
Mars leaves its retrograde zone on January 2nd, 2021, at 28° Aries 08
Mars spends its full retrograde cycle in the sign of Aries.

Mundane astrology, the study of heavenly cycles upon groups and nations is the most ancient branch of astrology. The affairs of a nation can be judged from the horoscope set up at the time of its official inauguration. The horoscopes of several nations are directly affected by the current Saturn-Pluto transit in Capricorn.

Saturn represents social structures and institutions  as well as the restraining control of traditional authority to maintain the status quo. Saturn is conservative and cautious—the “order” side of law-and-order, By contrast, Pluto represents total transformation, the urge for complete change that bubbles away in the collective and wells up from time to time in the cultural equivalents of earthquakes, tidal waves, and volcanic eruptions. To get rid of the old and make way for the new, Pluto is extreme and cathartic. This is purging in profound endings and beginnings—death and rebirth.

Mars’ upcoming retrograde cycle square to the ongoing Saturn-Pluto conjunction is the big news for the rest of this year.  Mars is the planet of war and when it faces off with Saturn, the planet of  law and order, or with Pluto, the planet of power, it is  likely to heat up the atmosphere and cause intense conflicts.

Transiting Saturn–Pluto activated by the Mars transit reflects a lesson about the right use of power, so the combination is also associated with the karmic consequences of corruption and abuse of power.

In the rest of this post we will look at how the Mars-Saturn-Pluto transit is affecting the horoscope of India and the US.

In the horoscope of India, the Saturn-Pluto transit is occurring in the 9th house (linked to the law courts) opposite the radix Moon (27cn) in the 3rd house (linked to social media). In mundane astrology, the Moon represents the common people We are, therefore, witnessing  the urge for power and domination being exhibited  by judges of the Supreme Court to put down voices of the people on social media that question their immoral behavior.  Transit Mars in Aries is bringing forth courageous individuals who are challenging the arbitrary use of power by the Supreme Court.

In the US horoscope, the Saturn-Pluto transit is occurring in the 2nd house over radix Pluto in late Capricorn.  Pluto reveals the nation’s unconscious compulsion for money and wealth in general (2nd house).  The institutional vehicle for the obsession is the corporation, (Capricorn)  which is forbidden by law to honor any other consideration than profits. With Mars transit square Saturn-Pluto in the 2nd house of the US Sibly, we are likely to witnessing a financial collapse of the US.

Paradoxically, Pluto can be transformative, leading to the restoration of balance through excessive imbalance, the need to push the envelope to extremes, to the point of collapse. 

In both cases (India and the US), Pluto’s stripping away process is programmed to destroy Capricorn’s false walls. The transit will serve to expose the corrupt workings of the system.

On a personal level events may show us that conformity  to outer authorities and inherited and unexamined belief systems comes at a high price. If we have not done the inner work, then during the Mars retrograde cycle there is likely to be some kind of outburst  – an angry confrontation, an accident etc. At best, the “acting out” of frustrations, angers, and resentments can cause a healing crisis. Those who are ready to heal will break away from outmoded and artificial social standards and from arrangements that are no longer fulfilling.

Astrologer Bill Herbst lists  the basics of the Saturn-Pluto dyad:

Typical collective manifestations from past cycles:
The urge for power and domination over others
An upwelling of authoritarianism through group fear
The dark side of nationalism, patriotism, racism
Paranoia, xenophobia, ethnic cleansing
Cold ruthlessness by authority with public sanction
The need for certainty and the tendency toward absolutism
The brutalizing pathology of mob rule
Manipulation that threatens or leads to eruptive violence
The descent into destruction on a massive scale
Courage or perseverance during extreme hardship or against
seemingly insurmountable odds
Moral or emotional staunchness, holding the line against repression

During the Mars retrograde cycle we are likely to witness many confrontations and “accidents” related to one or more manifestations of Saturn-Pluto  listed above.


An extract from a previous post [1] that is relevant here: 

Attempting to carry antiquated baggage into the elevated evolutionary currents ahead is simply unwise and can result in an increase of internal discord and external turmoil in our lives. This departure may externalize in the world as greater disparity between those who insist upon perpetuating an antiquated paradigm of conflict and domination, and the "cultural creatives" who herald a progressive personal and societal metamorphosis.

[1] Astrology of India’s social unrest
