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Symbolic message of supernova SN2019ehk

Stalactite – Mineral deposition from flowing water

(CNN)The calcium in our bones and teeth likely came from stars exploding in supernovas and scattering this mineral across the universe in massive quantities, according to a new study. We truly are made of star stuff, as famed astronomer Carl Sagan once said. In fact, half of the calcium in the universe likely came from calcium-rich supernovae. But these explosions have turned out to be incredibly rare events that scientists have had difficulty observing and analyzing, so they weren't sure how the calcium was created. Aug. 5

 In 1952 Swiss psychologist Carl Jung published Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle, one of the most controversial works of his career. In this book, Jung summarized decades of research on the subject of coincidence, concluding that such phenomena hold important secrets about the deeper nature of reality. The timing of “coincidences” seemed to arise in conjunction with key transitions in people’s lives. Jung felt that synchronistic events suggested the existence of a law of nature which differed markedly from conventional principles of causality.

For the astrologer, coincidence is the visible aspect of a more pervasive framework of design that underlies all experiences. The events in our lives are connected by an intricate chain of linked analogies and astrology offers a way to see these connections.

The calcium rich supernova SN2019ehk [1] was discovered on April 29, 2019 at 22:27:5 UT. Coordinates (J2000): RA = 12:22:56.130 (185.733875) DEC = +15:49:33.60 (15.826). With this data the ecliptic position is 178.78 [28vi47]

In Latin, nova means "new", referring astronomically to what appears to be a temporary new bright star. Adding the prefix "super-" distinguishes supernovae from ordinary novae, which are far less luminous. A supernova is an event that occurs upon the death of certain types of stars. Supernovae may expel much, if not all, of the material away from a star in a brilliant explosion. Metaphorically , therefore, a Super Nova symbolizes  the necessary evolution of ego/psychology to soul/spirit. The pre-explosion mass loss symbolically represents the shedding of unnecessary defenses, attachments or "baggage." The Super Nova rings the bell of the soul's calling [2].

Calcium is not simply a substance. It is recognized as representing energy fields of specific physiological qualities. In the periodic table it belongs to the group of elements  called earth-alkalis. The earth-alkalis are functionally connected with formation and solidification as they delimit themselves against the liquid medium out of which they are born. A good example would be stalactite and stalagmite - elongated forms of various minerals deposited from solution by slowly dripping water. The formation of teeth and bone takes place through a similar mechanism.

Mentally and on the personality level, the tendency of walling off and inner stabilization means a leaning towards separativeness and self-finding. While in its favorable aspect this means independence, in its less favorable aspect  it is withdrawal from people, tendency to go it alone and loss of social contact [3]. Can it be a coincidence that a supernova rich in Calcium explodes before our eyes just as the world is forced into social distancing?

SN2019ehk is in the constellation Coma Bernice.  This  is one of the brightest and largest galaxies in the Virgo Cluster. Astrologers link Virgo to withdrawal to achieve inner purity.

Among issues related to the stars in this area, Diana Rosenberg lists “submission to authority or rebellion against authority”.

Astrologers also like to look at the Sabian symbol [4] of the ecliptic degree at which a new astronomical object is discovered to figure out what it might be saying. In his commentary on the Sabian symbol for [29 Virgo] Dane Rudhyar states:

Any revolutionary movement, once it has succeeded in over- coming the inertia of the past and in toppling obsolete structures, needs to tap the most essential realities of what Man represents and signifies in the universal Order; or else it merely re-embodies in a superficially altered manner the very things it has destroyed. This is the crucial moment.

This then is the purpose of the withdrawal – a need to decondition ourselves from others as well as the rules imposed by authority or tradition in order to get in touch with the purity of our inner being…something that can only be done through some kind of isolation.

[2] The Soul of the Sky; Philip Sedgwick
[3] Psyche and Substance; Edward Whitmont


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