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Uranus station: Renewal and Transformation

Many  events can be explained by what astrologers call the station point. This  term refers to the period when a planet slows down and stands relatively still before changing directions, and either starts going backward ("retrograde") or forward ("direct"). Think "station" as in stationary, in other words. Why is this important? Because in the process of slowing down and grinding to a seeming halt, the influence of that planet is dramatically amplified.

Uranus stations retrograde once every year, spending just under half of the year retrograde; these retrogrades normally last five months. This time Uranus goes retrograde on Aug. 15, 2020 [1]. For readers interested in Vedic Astrology, Uranus is stationing in the Bharani Nakshatra. The symbolic meaning of this Nakshatra is “The power of renewal and purification. Rebirthing and transformation of spirit” [2].  On an individual level, those who have planets around 10 degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) are the ones most likely to be affected i.e. in the Nakshatras: Bharani, [10ta] Ashlesha [10le], Swati [10sc], Shravana[10aq].

With Uranus transits especially at the stations, we are given a choice: change or die.
What Uranus threatens us with not physical death, but a creative, soul-level withering, an inability to thrive that, if allowed to settle within, would rot us from the inside out. Uranus pushes us past the edge comfort, and further still—it is at these boundaries, somewhere between order and chaos, where genius and creativity thrive.

Astrologer Crystal B. [1] writes:

Be open to breaking out of your shell and seeing something in a new kind of way….
Sometimes we’re open to change and ready to switch things up. I know from talking to a lot of clients that many are looking to do something totally new. Lots of people are looking for BIG changes right now. The good news is that Uranus is the catalyst that propels us to make the DRASTIC changes that we want. The upcoming Uranus Station Retrograde could very well be the trigger so many have been waiting on to jump into that something new.

To illustrate the power of the Uranus station, here is an example from todays news.

A total of 20 nations from Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia have already requested doses of Russia’s breakthrough coronavirus vaccine, which was confirmed to be registered on Tuesday by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Uranus station at [10ta41] occurs on the lower meridian (IC) at Moscow opposite the TNP Poseidon and the medical asteroid Aesculapia [3] on the upper meridian (MC). This makes the station especially significant for Moscow and Russia. Moreover the station has been activated by the Full Moon of August 3 which completed a Grand Cross with Uranus-Poseidon.  With Uranus’s connection to breakthroughs and the asteroid Aesculapia’s association with health and medical issues is it at all surprising that Russia has come up with a vaccine for COVID-19?

Resonating with the theme of Uranus station is the Sabian symbol of the New Moon of August 19:

Dawn indicating a renewal of the spirit and the end of the dark night of the soul.


  1. Amen! Mars n Neptune Scorp at 10! Mercury Scorp at 5. Libra Sun 23 - TODOS in the 4th.
    Amen! I say again. Thank YOU Uranus!


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