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Emir of Kuwait dies at Saturn station

Saturn – The Grim Reaper

 Emir Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah, the 91-year-old ruler of Kuwait, died Tuesday in a US hospital, according to media reports. Sep.29

As Saturn turns direct conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, old structures, institutions and those who represented them  are collapsing. The death of the Emir is an example. Look at the mundane horoscope of Kuwait. The Sun [27ge] in the 10th stands for the ruler. It makes an upper quincunx aspect (often referred to as the aspect of death) to Saturn [28cp].

The upper or waning quincunx has a 1st and 8th house (Scorpio) influence and is called the “death quincunx…[1]

Today’s Saturn station [25cp] is within just three degrees of the radix Saturn.

