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Bolivia – The people won against corruption

Bolivia went to the polls yesterday for the first election since the coup d’état in November 2019, that removed Evo Morales from the leadership and from the country and put the country under a western backed right wing coup government.  This coup was carried out for lithium, as Morales was developing the Lithium sector and had made agreements to start the long road to manufacturing batteries and electric vehicles.  Elon Musk was accused of having had a hand in the coup (Lithium prices rose sharply a day or so before) and his comment was:  “We will coup whoever we want.  Get used to it!” Oct.19 

In a previous post [1], I wrote: 

Mars is currently  transiting through its own sign of Aries. Here it is extremely dynamic and will dominate the second half of 2020, especially during the retrograde phase from September 9 to November 13 (28°08ʹ–15°14ʹ Aries). 

Mars retrogrades approximately every two years, but it rarely does so in the sign of Aries. It happened last in 1988 and won’t occur again until 2067. This year Mars will be much more powerful than it was in 1988, when it was not making hard aspects to any of the outer planets. 

These powerful transits are all linked to clashes concerning the use and abuse of power. This is one of the major themes of the Saturn–Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, and it is now being challenged by the squares from Mars. It’s possible that people will become much more assertive in response to abuses of power at this time. 

In mundane astrology, planetary combinations become significant for a place when they are brought to the angles (horizon or meridian) in charts drawn for lunations, ingresses, exact planetary aspects etc. From Oct. 12 – Oct. 18, transit Sun began to complete a T-square with the Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto square. Here is the chart for the exact time that the Sun squared Pluto on Oct.15 at La Paz, Bolivia. Notice how the T-square aligns with angles. In this case, an old corrupt government is being brought down peacefully by the will of the people. 

[1] US threatens Iraq withdrawal

PS:  Remember that the Oct. 12 – Oct. 18, transit Sun completing a T-square with the Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto square is also operating on an individual level. Here is a quote from a previous post on how that may challenge us in our personal lives. 

On a personal level events may show us that conformity  to outer authorities and inherited and unexamined belief systems comes at a high price. If we have not done the inner work, then during the Mars retrograde cycle there is likely to be some kind of outburst  – an angry confrontation, an accident etc. At best, the “acting out” of frustrations, angers, and resentments can cause a healing crisis. Those who are ready to heal will break away from outmoded and artificial social standards and from arrangements that are no longer fulfilling.
