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Embodying Integrity


“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” ― Gospel of Thomas 


  In her article Embodying Integrity, Lisa Renee writes: 

Personal Integrity is the quality of being truthful and honest with yourself and others, of intentionally aligning personal behaviors and actions to be congruently aligned with your own Personal Value System, moral principles, and ethics. It is the milestone of building a strong character guided by ones chosen personal values, and is reflected in a person that is firmly centered in purpose and directed in life by their own core self. We compromise our core integrity whenever we let others make poor decisions for us or when we betray a trust, betray our personal values, or betray that which we know is the truth for ourselves. When we compromise our Personal Integrity, we allow a back door vulnerability for dark force manipulation that many times descends even more darkness and chaos into the situation where we had made the compromise. Embodying core personal values, living, thinking and breathing those values is what expresses Personal Integrity. This is the key to avoid negative cause and effect or miasmatic imprints upon what you are manifesting. 

If you are wondering why this background to personal integrity is important right now, please go back to the last few posts [1][2][3][4] where I discuss the influence of the Mars-Saturn-Pluto square. Leaders like Sarkozy and Biden have recently been revealed to be corrupt. In India, we have  corruption in the higher judiciary, in the media and in the government being exposed. On the other hand nations like Iran and Bolivia have come through difficult times with their integrity intact. In today’s news Indonesia has refused to host American spy planes amid Sino-US cold war demonstrating its free will amid pressure from the US. 

On a personal level the same planetary combinations are challenging us to give up our reliance on those socially conditioned and often internalized belief systems that no longer serve our growing individuality. Unfortunately, the only way we learn this lesson is through pain that inevitably follows conformity to external rules…in other words failure to embody personal integrity. 

In light of the foregoing, the quote from the Gospel of Thomas will make a lot of sense. 


[1] Saturn station: Overcoming hidden fears

[2] Some manifestations of Mars retrograde

[3] Bolivia – The people won against corruption

[4] Some manifestations of the October New Moon
