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France targets radical Islam amid row with Turkey


The French government's general crackdown on radical Islamism, in response to the beheading of the history teacher outside Paris this month, has been rapid and tough - a blizzard of inquiries, closures, plans and proposals that have sometimes been hard to keep track of…. There have been protests in Libya, Bangladesh and the Gaza Strip, along with calls for a boycott of French products and a growing war of words with Turkey. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has backed the boycott, and publicly questioned Mr Macron's mental health, after the French leader defended France's secular values last week, saying the country would "never give up [its] cartoons". 

Mundane astrologers use a number of different charts to get a deeper understanding of political and cultural trends, and predict probable events and actions. Event charts cast for the precise times of lunations are among the most basic tools of predictive astrology. 

Lunation refers to either the New Moon (Sun-Moon conjunction) or the Full Moon (Sun-Moon opposition).  A  mundane event like a lunation can become very significant for a place when it falls (a) on  the horizon or meridian axes or (b) on  significant planets in a national chart.


Presented here is the national chart of France as provided by Nicholas Campion [1]. The upcoming Full Moon [8ta38] along with Uranus [8ta41] is conjunct radix Hades [7ta23] in the first house opposite Jupiter [5sc46] – Neptune [3sc43] placed in the seventh house. In mundane astrology, the first house rules the people of a nation while the seventh rules its adversaries. 

The Tauras-Scorpio polarity is about my values versus the values of others. When two planets are in opposite signs, they are as far apart of a distance as they can possibly get. Oppositions create dynamic tension, but they also bring two extremes together, which can be extremely powerful if everyone plays fair. Compromise will definitely be called for—it’s like two people from opposite parts of the world sitting down for a summit on a key issue. 

Delving a little deeper we find that the radix TNP Hades  [7ta23] makes a hard aspect to radix Kronos-Poseidon midpoint [6le50]. In her book, The Orders of Light, Martha Wescott provides the following interpretation: 

Kronos-Poseidon: to have differences of opinion with others over matters of faith or beliefs; to recognize that a leader has a strong religious or ideologic stance. (occurring on radix Hades we have ugly events stemming from differences of opinion over religion.) 

With the Full Moon Uranus in the mix: to break with religious authorities; to claim freedom in matters of religion, faith or ideologies. 

Erdogan of Turkey appears to be the most vocal critic of Macron’s clampdown on Islamic institutions in France. A look at the chart for the Tauras-Scorpio Full Moon drawn for Ankara, Turkey will explain why. Notice that it falls precisely on the horizon axis implying that its energy is felt strongly at that place.

To complete the picture we look at the chart for the exact Sun-Mars opposition of Oct.14 drawn for Paris, just a day before the unfortunate beheading of the school teacher. Notice that the Sun-Mars opposition aligns perfectly with the meridian and completes T-square with Saturn-Pluto. For Ebertin, a Mars-Saturn-Pluto combination is linked to “brutality, assault or violence”. 

No analysis is ever complete till we look at the stars that form the backdrop to the planets being studied. Among the stars conjunct the MC and Mars, is 19 Cephei, in the area of King Cepheus’ neck. For events under these stars, Diana Rosenberg includes “attacks and persecutions, especially racial and religious”. 


