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Mercury retrograde brings a new wellness trend


Centauress, by John La Farge

Embracing cows, or "koe knuffelen" in Dutch, is more than a cute wellness trend. With immense mental health benefits, the practice has growing global appeal…Dubbed “koe knuffelen” in Dutch (literally “cow hugging”), the practice is centred on the inherent healing properties of a good human-to-animal snuggle. Oct.9 

Many  events can be explained by what astrologers call the station point. This  term refers to the period when a planet slows down and stands relatively still before changing directions, and either starts going backward ("retrograde") or forward ("direct").

Mercury is about to station retrograde at [11sc40]. Shown here is the chart for the event drawn for London where the article above originated. Notice the very significant alignment of Mercury station on the IC opposite Uranus on the MC with both square the asteroid Hygiea (health and wellness). 

As Mercury stations opposite Uranus, ideas (Mercury)  that may appear crazy (Uranus) are brought to our attention. Moreover, Uranus is in Taurus – the sign that rules cattle, agricultural land and farming. Mercury is conjunct the star omega Centauri. 

A centaur is a creature from Greek mythology with the upper body of a human and the lower body and legs of a horse. The centaur's half-human, half-horse composition has led many writers to treat them as liminal beings, caught between the two natures they embody in contrasting myths; they are both the embodiment of untamed nature and conversely, teachers like Chiron who symbolize a need to befriend  the animal inside us if we are to be healed. 

Mercury acts as an agent for recollection - anamnesis - and for the curing of the soul through illumination. Mercury turning retrograde in Water signs is an opportunity to rethink old habit patterns and emotional responses to life challenges. We have, over eons, out of our conscious need to eliminate chaos, organized our lives to a minute degree. The prison of culture, the oppression of civilization, has essentially desacralized the world, and we now experience a drastic separation of nature from culture. This is an age-old dichotomy, but in modern culture we experience not just disenchantment but extreme alienation. 

In conclusion we may say that this Mercury retrograde cycle may be asking us to heal ourselves by connecting with our emotions.  
