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Saturn-Pluto: New Discovery enables skin regeneration


Pullman, Wash. - A newly identified genetic factor allows adult skin to repair itself like the skin of a newborn babe. The discovery by Washington State University researchers has implications for better skin wound treatment as well as preventing some of the aging process in skin.


 Mundane astrology, the study of heavenly cycles upon groups and nations, is the most ancient branch of astrology. Among the various charts used in mundane astrology are eclipses, ingresses, planetary aspects, stations etc. Shown here is the chart for Mars station retrograde on Sep. 9 drawn for Pullman. As always planetary alignments with the angles are the ones to concentrate upon. Notice the sharp Grand Cross aligned with the meridian with Mars on the IC square Saturn-Pluto. 

Being the planet that defines boundaries, Saturn rules the skin while Pluto symbolises regeneration, transformation and  rebirth. So that with Saturn and Pluto  both retrograde in the radix but going direct more or less simultaneously on Sep.29 and Oct.4 we are hearing news of a new discovery that has implications for skin regeneration. With Mars in Aries (new beginnings) in the 4th house, it is not difficult to see that a genetic factor appears to be involved. 

According to Skyscript, the IC or the 4th house rules: 

Everything that relates to the foundation and roots of our existence. Parents in general and fathers in particular; grandparents and ancestry. Paternity (inheritance from parents) as well as the psychological parental influence. 

Let us understand that the news is just one example of a much deeper principle that is currently at work through current Saturn-Pluto conjunction. The following extract from an earlier post [1] outlines the principle. 

Saturn represents social structures and institutions  as well as the restraining control of traditional authority to maintain the status quo. Saturn is conservative and cautious—the “order” side of law-and-order, By contrast, Pluto represents total transformation, the urge for complete change that bubbles away in the collective and wells up from time to time in the cultural equivalents of earthquakes, tidal waves, and volcanic eruptions. To get rid of the old and make way for the new, Pluto is extreme and cathartic. This is purging in profound endings and beginnings—death and rebirth. 

In conclusion, I am reminded of what Dennis Elwell wrote so eloquently in his book, The Cosmic Loom

“What makes astrology supremely relevant is that it discloses an unsuspected dimension of the world we think we know so well. It is as though we have become accustomed to see only the horizontal yarn of the weaving, the weft, and are largely unaware of the warp. We are accustomed to break down our world, in order to understand it, into certain categories, recognizing what belongs to this category, what belongs to that. That is ‘scientific’. However, astrology is about learning to think in new categories. It embodies a system of new categories that are as different from the ones to which we are habituated, as the warp is from the weft. In this system objects and events that at first sight appear to have nothing whatever to do with each other are shown to be intimately connected. Conversely, things we naturally tend to associate may be distributed otherwise in the astrological scheme. Understanding the world around us depends on our power to perceive patterns of meaning, to make the right connections, recognize what belongs with what. It is not easy. Unaided, it is as if we are looking at the weaving from the wrong side, and it seems a mess, but with the help of astrology we can see the design as it is meant to be. As the shuttle of the cosmic loom ceaselessly weaves its intricate design, astrologers have the responsibility, or rather the awesome privilege, to work towards restoring to humanity the sense of high meaning it has all but lost.”

