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Capricorn Ingress and the US Elections


Argo Navis – The Celestial Ship

In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the  four cardinal signs, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Of these the Capricorn ingress is considered to be the most important by many astrologers.

Presented here is the upcoming Capricorn ingress chart for Washington DC. As I mentioned in a previous post, no horoscope ever tells us what is going to happen because that depends on the level of our consciousness and the free will that we exercise. However, a horoscope is great for revealing the issues involved in a situation that we must face.

As always planets and stars on the angles are the ones to concentrate on. Here we have Neptune and Moon in the 4th house. In mundane or national astrology, the 10th house rules the President (Trump) while the 4th rules the challenger (Biden) [1]. With Neptune there we see the possibility of cheating and deceit employed by the challenger.

On the MC is the star Zosma. About this area of stars Nick Fiorenza writes:

Zosma, Chort and Denebola are a triangle of stars that form the hind of the Lion. Denebola is the tail. Zosma and Chort can indicate being diverted due to toxic congestion. This area of late Leo is of foul breezes and smoke screens. It is also of those behind the scenes, of political-religious figureheads manipulating the affairs of the world for personal motive while offering salvation from the human struggle. Southern Velorum, the sail of the Argo, is of evolutionary currents that are transcendent to the diversionary spectacle above. These stars create a diverse polarity of energy that set Leo’s “back stage.” This is a windy and fiery area of the zodiak, one that can stimulate dynamic creative expression, but one that can also be filled with diversionary commotion and grand spectacle. Thus discernment from a place in inner emotional and physical clarity is required to attune to the transcendent soul-level currents guiding our lives rather than defining our course based upon the dramatic winds swirling about.

Whatever dramatics are occurring on the global stage may not be what they seem. There are often puppet masters behind the scenes with these stars at play. This alignment is ripe for explosive scenarios that lead into greater conflict, which can merely be the seed for a greater war or war-like activity to follow over the months ahead.

These stars invite us to peer through any diversionary smoke screens to recognize where current global events may lead, and to use our creative energy, personally and collectively, to avert any catastrophic potential paths ahead. It is also ideal for initiating new creative projects, the preparatory work behind the scenes.

In the mix of the stars there is Velorum, the sail of the celestial ship – the Argo. If the sail is able to catch the transcendent soul-level currents then it is possible for the nation to get past the smokescreen - the diversionary spectacle.

 The Capricorn ingress chart is simply asking a question. Will the President and the people be able steer through the foul breeze? If yes, a bright future awaits them, if not they are doomed.

In conclusion let me just say that there is some hope. Readers may like to go back to a previous post [2] on the Great American Eclipse of August 2017.


[2] Trump and the Great American Eclipse


  1. I Was so fascinated by that straight North West to South East line.
    April 2024 brings North West to South West straight line.

    1. Oups North East to South West 2024.

    2. 2017 Map
      2024 Map

    3. Thanks Linda! That is great information.

  2. My PLEASURE Javed. Happy to contribute to your life finally 🙆‍♀️


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