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Jupiter conjunct Pluto: King of gods meets King of Underworld


The year’s 3rd and final conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto will take place on November 12, 2020. The first conjunction happened on April 5, 2020, and the second one on June 30, 2020. With Saturn ahead of this conjunction we have (Pluto – Jupiter) – Saturn. 

At Washington DC, the conjunction takes place on the MC – the cusp of the 10th house which rules the office of the president. (Biden or Trump?) 

Let us remember that no planetary combination causes anything. It is primarily our response to the energy of the combination that leads to success or failure. 

In their book Planets in Containment, John Sandbach and Ronn Ballard, interpret the positive and negative response to this combination. 

Pluto – Jupiter – Saturn 

(+) Tremendous  enthusiasm manifests outwardly as  patience and perseverance. Learning that to truly grow and expand for final success one must work within an organized structure and framework. 

(-) Obsessive enthusiasm rushes headlong meets a reality check leading to depression and frustration. 

(Who do you think is living out the (+)/(-) expressions of the combination – Biden or Trump?)

Among other things, Jupiter rules finance while Pluto rules corruption. Another keyword for Jupiter is “big” so that with Pluto it can become “large scale corruption”.  In such a case Saturn can be the law that can make the corrupt accountable (Biden?). If however, one is working for a righteous cause, Saturn empowers the Jupiter-Pluto drive for success. The three planets are placed in the Indian nakshatra Uttarashadha. Uttarashadha is ruled by the Universal Gods (Vishvedevas). Its power is to grant an unchallengeable victory (apradhrisya shakti). Our victory depends upon a righteous cause that is beneficial to all, which we are helping in (Trump?). 

 How might the combination manifest on the personal level? Jupiter is boundless optimism and self-confidence. But the psychological attitude that allows us to create a brighter future can also turn us into fools. Jupiter’s energy always feels good but whether it will bring us success depends on whether it is tempered with self-knowledge and integrity . Undeveloped Jupiter can compromise integrity, allowing a back door vulnerability for dark force manipulation. In Capricorn the dark forces can be the social rules of conduct that we have accepted as our own. The planetary combination is challenging us to give up our reliance on those socially conditioned and often internalized belief systems that no longer serve our growing individuality.
