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Mars direct conjunct Alpheratz of Andromeda


Perseus and Andromeda by Giorgio Vasari

Mars station direct  conjoins the stars Alpheratz  of Andromeda and those forming the shoulders of King Cepheus, Alderamin. 

In the story of Andromeda and Royal Family, Princess Andromeda was chained to the rocks by the sea to be devoured by Cetus the Sea Monster. Andromeda, although inheriting this unfortunate sentence, has a far greater and fortuitous destiny awaiting her, as articulated by the beautiful Andromeda Galaxy, which emulates the ideal potential for our Galaxy. Perseus eventually kills Cetus and frees Andromeda. Perseus and Andromeda marry and they go on to create a city and rule a kingdom that bore the Persian world. 

The stars of Andromeda delineate the struggle for freedom from the collective and tormenting forces of the psycho-emotional human world, to claim our true galactic birthright and to fulfill our evolutionary destiny. Andromeda is unadulterated, innocent, naïve, uncorrupted by evil, wrongdoing or malice. Alpheratz holds a position of extraordinary honor and advantage. It delineates the psyche of the princess. It is of the mind and mental acuity, and brings emphasis to our mentalities. 

Alpheratz often portends success. Afflicted placements with Alpheratz can also express as being caught in the power plays created by the arrogance or denials of others, or as naïveté or vulnerability to the emotional and psychic delusions of others, especially those in our genealogical line or karmic past—often manifesting as elaborate emotional dramatics. Beliefs are formulated from past experience. When we adhere to beliefs as facts rather than use them as stepping stones we place limits upon ourselves that keep us from becoming something greater than we can currently conceive. Alpheratz impels us to disentangle from the human psycho-emotional web, to think for ourselves and to cultivate our own understanding of life, or to accept a sentence of bondage not rightfully ours. Ultimately Alpheratz impels us to embrace a mental illumination that leads to freedom. 

In conclusion we may say that Mars direct is now an opportunity to free ourselves from all kinds of bondage that we had acquiesced to out of fear or ignorance.
