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Myth of Ixion and the US Sibly


Ixion on fiery wheel of punishment

Over the years astrologers have come up with, and continue to come up with, various times for the birth of the American nation. In The Astrology of America's Destiny, Rudhyar provides ample evidence from the historical record, including accounts by signers of the Declaration of Independence, that the correct birth time of the United States is the signing of the Declaration of Independence, shortly after 5:00 PM, 4 July 1776, in Philadelphia. Rudhyar rectifies the time of the signing to 5:13:55 PM, providing an Ascendant of 13°10' Sagittarius.

Rudhyar’s rectified Sibly is just about 4 mins later than the accepted time of 5:10 pm. So what follows should hopefully not be wrong by more than a day.

Presented here is the progressed Sibly solar return for Nov. 25. Notice that the progressed  horizon aligns with the nodal axis on this day. Since Neptune [20pi] is square the nodes [28ge-sa] if we back up a little we can see that between Nov.18 to Nov.25 (approx.) the horizon activates the square which we have linked to deception of the masses.

Actually things become really interesting when we have more than factor pointing in the same direction. Here the S.Node is conjunct the centaur IXION [28sa]. About Ixion, Nick Fiorenza writes:

 Ixion may raise issues about our morals, if we are presenting one persona to the world while our less-than ideal actions are demonstrating something else entirely, something other than what we know we should ideally demonstrate. Ixion may be related to where or how we may compromise our morals for personal gratification.

Ixion brings emphasis to the exposure for misdeeds driven from personal gratification or carnal lust at the cost of others wellbeing, and for disrespect or betrayal of others. Ixion impels us to take responsibility for our life scenarios rather than perpetuating entrapment on the karmic wheel as if victim to a self-created history of deception. Ixion also seems to exemplify people in authoritarian positions being brought to justice for tyrannical deeds involving the suppression and manipulation of people, especially women, as well as the destruction of people for one's own end. Ixion may also be prominent in malicious and deceptive power-plays between authoritarian figureheads, (Biden vs Trump?) drawn out in long karmic-based scenarios. 

I think this  describes quite well, the likely  post election scenario in US, in the next few days.
