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Solar Eclipse and the US election


Orion battling the Scorpion

The Chairman of the Federal Election Commission went on record with a bombshell announcement, stating that from what he’s seen in Pennsylvania, and reports he’s been getting from elsewhere in the country, this election is illegitimate. Nov.11 

Eclipses bring changes – a getting rid of the old before the new can come –  similar to ‘an opening of the gates’, so to speak.  They synchronise with major shifts in consciousness. Eclipses can act as a seed for future change – where we ‘suddenly see the light’.   So they can be seen as ‘spotlights’ shining on the pathway of your life, illuminating a particular area of your life which may have been  pushed to one side or shoved under the carpet.  You are being allowed to see the issues in your life which may be holding you back, or hindering the fulfillment of your destiny or fate.  Your decisions about how you deal with these issues can have major consequences. 


The chart for the upcoming December 14, solar eclipse is shown here. Eclipses become active at least 3 months prior to the date of their actual occurrence. The background stars are those of Ophiuchus, the Serpent and the Scorpion.

Ophiuchus stamping the Scorpion

Ophiuchus lies above and on the ecliptic, standing over the Scorpion. Ophiuchus is the celestial healer, the inveterate fixer, renewing, repairing, refurbishing, people, relationships, society, government and institutions. In a previous post [1], I have discussed the stars that conjoin Trump’s Sun (Orion – the daredevil hunter) and Moon (Lesath – the sting of the Scorpion). In ancient Greek mythology, Orion is stung by the Scorpion when he steps on it.  But with the stars of Ophiuchus, the healer and the Serpent of wisdom also here, it is possible to fix situations, “uncovering secrets that can either bring enlightenment or prove embarrassing to others” [2] (see a connection to fraud in the elections now being uncovered?) 

Here is another interesting connection. Being born one Saros eclipse cycle apart, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris share the same nodal axis (Gemini North Node – Sagg. South Node) activated by the current eclipse.  Notice that the eclipse nodes align with Trump’s Sun-Moon and Harris’ Ascendant-Descendant axis. And if you read the post on Kamala Harris’ tertiary progressions [3] you will know exactly who is afraid of secrets being revealed! 

In the images presented, Orion fights with the Scorpion and Ophiuchus holds the snake by its neck so that it cannot bite him and stamps on the scorpion. Being a shaman healer, he can fix a situation that the snake and scorpion - denizens of the dark – have created. 

Remember, that these images symbolize possibilities/ potentials. The actual outcome  will be decided by the level of consciousness of the Amercan public. After all the eclipse is taking place in the Sibly 1st house (ruling the general public) and square radix Neptune [23vi] close to the 10th cusp (ruling leaders and government) [4]. A square represents a crisis in consciousness. Neptune is like a mirage or fog of deceit. Can the public (1st house) see through the Neptunian fog (10th house)? 

Will Ophiuchus stamp the Scorpion under his feet (see image)? Only time will tell. 



[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg





Eclipses can be analyzed in terms of the hard aspects to planetary midpoints that they make. The Dec. 14 eclipse  [23sa08] is opposite the Kronos/Admetus midpoint [22ge19]. In her book, The Orders of Light, Martha Wescott delineates this midpoint as under:

Kronos/Admetus: to see laws, courts, authorities or the existence of procedures means that there are delays; to have regulations require additional work or testing; to have obstacles to leadership or ascent  (your time to be head of the class hasn’t come yet – so wait your turn);  the leader or boss remains.

Notice how perfectly it applies to the US Presidential election!







