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Trump and the Mars station direct


It was Carter who suggested that if the sidereal zodiac were valid, maps for the entry of the Sun into the constellations of Aries,Cancer,Libra and Capricorn would be of importance. This suggestion was followed up by Garth Allen, who in an extensive statistical investigation found that the sidereal ingresses were not only valid but of the highest significance. This opinion has been fully confirmed by other investigators in recent years. Garth eventually arrived at the conclusion that the Capricorn Sidereal Ingress was of primary importance followed in rank by that of Cancer; Aries and Libra, whilst having some significance, could be considered of lesser importance. Primer of Sidereal Astrology; Cyril Fagan, Roy C. Firebrace 

Since the US election is taking place during the period ruled by the sidereal Libra ingress, it may be interesting to analyze this map for Washington, DC. Notice that the ingress chart has a very prominent T-square straddling the meridian. As always, mundane maps acquire significance when major configurations aspect the horizon or meridian axes. 

In her excellent article Buckle Up for Mars Retrograde in Aries,  Pam Gregory writes: 

Mars is retrograde from September 9 to November 13, but the complete retrograde phase includes the shadow period, which encompasses the timespan between July 25 and January 2, 2021. During the second half of 2020, Mars squares Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto repeatedly. 

These powerful transits are all linked to clashes concerning the use and abuse of power. This is one of the major themes of the Saturn–Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, and it is now being challenged by the squares from Mars. It’s possible that people will become much more assertive in response to abuses of power at this time. This entire retrograde period may be forceful, divisive, and inflamed. 

To this we only need to add that the energy of Mars squaring Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto is likely to be felt very strongly in those places where significant mundane charts e.g. those of lunations, ingresses, stations etc bring them to the horizon or meridian axes. 

In the battle symbolized by the square, think of a retrograde Mars as weak or afraid to express itself.  Often, Mars retrograde brings issues to the surface which one has either forgotten or deliberately repressed because of their disruptive qualities. Whereas the station-retrograde rendered the planet over-bound, the station-direct (Nov.13) has already constellated a great amount of power and is virtually trembling for an avenue for expression. Initially, the power is in its infantile stage and must wait for the first major aspect from the Sun to Mars. For Mars, the first aspect from the Sun is the trine (Dec.11). Think of  a person suddenly find a direction, as if awakening from a long sleep. 

For Donald Trump, Mars has been retrograding in his solar 11th house. The 11th rules efforts for advancement of social goals most often those that are rejected or not recognized by the prevailing order (10th house). A retrograde Mars in the 11th can indicate that he has not been assertive with his plans so far.  Counting from his Leo Ascendant, Mars has been moving in his 9th house. This house rules the law courts and of course the law in general. Most likely Trump has been evaluating how to use the law courts to further his social plans (11th ). Notice that with Mars stationing to go direct, how Trump’s legal team has become active in an effort to overturn the results of what he regards as a “stolen election”. 

Going back to the sidereal Libra ingress chart, notice that retrograde Mars in the tense square with Saturn-Pluto is weak. All that begins to change generally with Mars  stationing direct (Nov.13) and then more specifically when Mars returns to its ingress position around Dec.11 also trine the Sun. 

And now take a look at Trump’s current solar return chart. Mars has been retrograding through the 10th house square Saturn-Pluto in the 7th house of enemies. During the retrograde period, his enemies may have perceived him to be weak, not acting like someone who was capable of  exercising the power of a President (10th ), we may see a different side to Trump now with Mars going direct!
