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Capricorn Ingress and the Insurrection Act of 1807


The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion. The Act was signed into law on March 3, 1807 by President Thomas Jefferson. A noon chart for  the Insurrection Act (IAC) is shown here.

It may surprise readers but horoscopes have a life of their own and outlive the events that they are cast for. Their significance reaches far into the future, awaiting relevant mundane charts to activate them. Here is the chart for the upcoming Capricorn ingress at Washington DC.

If we superimpose the Insurrection Act (IAC) chart on the Capricorn Ingress chart  (CIC) what do we see? The Sun [12pi14] – Pluto [11pi41] – Mars [13vi21] of the IAC aligns with the CIC meridian! More completely, Pluto is conjunct the TNP Cupido opposite Mars which semisquares Uranus.

Uranus-Pluto-Cupido : to see attempts to force change or rupture in group unity; sudden events associated with large scale social changes or disruption; power struggle within groups. (Martha Wescott)

Mars-Pluto-Uranus: attainment of success through extreme effort. (Reinhold Ebertin)

The MC (10th cusp) of a mundane chart shows the leader or at least what is required of him. Just look at the Sabian for the MC. Doesn’t it elegantly symbolize what is required of the President now?


KEYNOTE: The focusing of the collective need for order and structural interdependence into a personage who incarnates the answer to this need.

The husband role of fecundator of nature here takes on a collective social significance. We are at the stage where a powerful realization of the very purpose of the cycle of existence faces the chaotic remains of a dis-structured past. The character of the leader is always delineated by the need, subconscious though it may be, of the unformed agglomeration of entities he is called upon by destiny to lead. In time the leader will be worshiped as the "divine Father" of the society he structured.

The star on the MC is Zosma whose meaning and significance I wrote about in a previous post [1].

Zosma, Chort and Denebola are a triangle of stars that form the hind of the Lion. Denebola is the tail. Zosma and Chort can indicate being diverted due to toxic congestion. This area of late Leo is of foul breezes and smoke screens. It is also of those behind the scenes, of political-religious figureheads manipulating the affairs of the world for personal motive while offering salvation from the human struggle… These stars invite us to peer through any diversionary smoke screens to recognize where current global events may lead, and to use our creative energy, personally and collectively, to avert any catastrophic potential paths ahead. 

Moreover, Thomas Jefferson (b. April 13, 1743), the author of the Insurrection Act had radix Sun [23ar] square Uranus [26cp] with which the current Mars [23ar] – Pluto [24cp] aligns! And recall that this square is also aligned with the angles of the Sibly Wynn Return and Trump’s lunar return for the current period [2]. Is Thomas Jefferson reaching out from his grave to pass on a message to Trump and the American people!!


[1] Capricorn Ingress and the US Elections

[2] US “dams” in hazardous conditions
