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Facebook reverses prioritizing MSM stories


Facebook has reversed its election-season policy of prioritizing mainstream media stories in News Feed after a similar move from Twitter. This is as Mark Zuckerberg is sued for allegedly helping tip the vote in favor of Joe Biden.



Mark Zuckerberg (b. May 14, 1984) has Mercury [29ar] opposite Poseidon [26li] and Pluto [0sc].   Saturn now transiting [29cp] is completing a T-square with this configuration.

L Blake Finley  in his article The  Transneptunians as a Transpersonal Evolutionary Sequence provides the following definitions [1].

Poseidon: Propaganda; Social & ideological manipulation.

Pluto: Fascination with one's power to change people and things; power plays and manipulation.

Martha Wescott interprets the combination as:

Pluto-Poseidon: to recognize the pervasive and invasive power of the media, advertising or ideologic propaganda; to see attempts to influence, control, dominate or manipulate people through these things.

About Saturn transits to Pluto, Bil Tierney writes:

How we register transiting Saturn aspecting our Pluto depends a lot on what we’ve been doing thus far to develop our need for power…If we have a history of defiant, Plutonian eruptions against rules and authority, Saturn is now warning us to exert self-control and discipline over our passionate responses to the societal powers that be. If we are not technically “the boss,” we need to stop turning the tables on those who are our supervisors, or perhaps to try working more co-operatively with the law. It is time to follow the rules rather than risk fines, penalties, or financially jeopardizing lawsuits. 

