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Full Moon: Getting off the fence of indecision


Material need usually wins out against ideological creed. Necessity over dogma. Twice this week, the European Union demonstrated that maxim in practice when it rebuffed Washington over the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline with Russia; and then again over a major investment pact with China…. Maas said that while the EU looks forward to having better relations with the United States under a new Biden administration, the bloc was asserting its prerogative to trade with Russia for increasing natural gas supply as a matter of sovereignty.



Saturn, is the archetype of authority and in its darkest face, what astrologer Steven Forrest calls the "crushing patriarch." Both Capricorn and Saturn symbolize systems and structures which seek to preserve their dominance at any cost.  Pluto, as Lord of the underworld, always brings the authentic or real self to the surface.  With the Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, we get to manifest some of what has been typically kept under wraps because of hidden fears, internal taboos, shame, intimidation or ignorance of our potential.  With the combination squared by  Mars in Aries, the desire for independence from any kind of dominance or control becomes urgent.

The chart for the Full Moon drawn for the midpoint  of Berlin and Washington DC, has the powerful and the independence seeking Aries-Capricorn square aligned with the horizon. Not surprisingly, Germany is seeking to exercise its sovereignty.

Confirming the above are the stars that conjoin the  Full Moon. About these stars Nick Fiorenza writes:

Tejat will bring forth that which has been suppressed to be seen and in doing so may draw experiences that are reflections of parts of our selves that seem rather dark and opposing to our unfoldment. Forces of the mortal world may indeed be out for our demise, but they are our worthy opponents, for they reflect the fears, hesitancies, and blockages within our selves to step through into our paths of fulfillment in the world. Tejat asks that us be willing to walk through the shadows of self to claim our power and place in the physical world.

Alhena, the left foot of Pollux, lies in the midst of sidereal Gemini. Alhena is the brand, or mark. Alhena represents "commencement" and inspires us to act on our greater soul truth and purpose. Alhena is a marking stone for the unfoldment of what is ahead. It can indicate a separating of the ways is at hand. Alhena indicates a milestone or a turning point has been reached and indicates the need to get off of the fence of indecision, to drop any hesitation, as the "time is at hand" to go forth anew. As the brand, Alhena also indicate that the time, events, or relations are marked or destined. Alhena may indicate the need to sign a document or legalize a project, involvement, or commitment. It is the consecration of our commitment that anchors the etheric vision of our soul truth into the physical plane to become realized truth. This concretization prepares for a greater event yet to come.


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