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On why SCOTUS let down the country


The question is not whether Joe Biden won or lost, it’s what’s the cost if the left doesn’t get their way which is what too many cowards are truly afraid of. They will sacrifice the future of our republic just to “keep the peace.” This video of court justices in Texas proves that. They fought loudly over whether to hear the Texas election fraud case out of fear the inevitable results would lead to leftist riots. Essentially, they are admitting Trump won by their outrage and fear of proving Biden is not the rightful victor. 

In a national chart, the 9th house rules the law courts. The US Sibly has Neptune[23vi] in the 9th square to Mars [21ge] in the 7th. The December 14 solar eclipse [23sg] formed a T-square with Mars-Neptune, thereby activating this combination. Astrological configurations can have a whole range of manifestations ranging from the very positive to the extreme negative [1]. The most common manifestation of Mars-Neptune is “an inability to take action” or “a weak will” or “fear of taking action”. It is as though Neptune dissipates the courage of Mars.

To complete the picture recall that transit Pluto [23cp] forms a trine to radix Neptune [23vi]. Martha Wescott interprets this as:

People yield control out of weakness or failure to accept the truth; to see human will relinquished to a higher power (but is this “god” or some ogre in big black boots? Is it true surrender or giving up so that “the driving can be left to somebody else”?); to see the destruction of ideals and the wish to escape confrontation and honesty; honesty is needed to purge expedient weakness.

John Roberts Jr. (born January 27, 1955 serves as Chief Justice of the United States. His radix Neptune [28li] is  currently receiving a square from transiting Saturn-Pluto.


