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US “dams” in hazardous condition


Dam about to collapse


An in-depth analysis of public records carried out by The Associated Press has revealed that nearly 1700 dams across the United States are in such bad condition that they could cause life-threatening flooding to homes, businesses, infrastructure and even entire communities if they fail. This assessment was made following a two-year review of data and reports acquired using open record laws.

 In 1952 Swiss psychologist Carl Jung published Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle, one of the most controversial works of his career. In this book, Jung summarized decades of research on the subject of coincidence, concluding that such phenomena hold important secrets about the deeper nature of reality. The timing of “coincidences” seemed to arise in conjunction with key transitions in people’s lives. Jung felt that synchronistic events suggested the existence of a law of nature which differed markedly from conventional principles of causality.

For the astrologer, coincidence is the visible aspect of a more pervasive framework of design that underlies all experiences. The events in our lives are connected by an intricate chain of linked analogies and astrology offers a way to see these connections.

Mars has been  transiting through its own sign of Aries through the second half of 2020.  Although Mars was  retrograde from September 9 to November 13, the complete retrograde phase includes the shadow period, which encompasses the timespan between July 25 and January 2, 2021.

During this time it has been making repeated squares to Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn. Whatever has too much power is being challenged. The experience of tyranny, the corruption of money, the obliteration of individual freedom, are all part of this cycle.   Certain aspects of the collective and individual psyche have become top-heavy, overgrown and dangerous both for society, and for the people in it.

We have now entered a period when Mars will be making its last pass squares to Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn. The alignment indicates a breakdown in our largest institutions (Capricorn) that starts from within the institutions themselves as an egregious overplaying of their power in ways that are clearly self-serving rather than for the greater good (Pluto), which is then furthered by an unexpected reaction(Mars) against institutional malfeasance, a seemingly spontaneous insurrection that occurs from the ground level up, fomented by individuals (Aries) who stand up in protest against the oppressive influence of such institutions (Capricorn).  Much like the long term decay of dams, these insurrections aren’t spontaneous; they’ve been brewing invisibly under the surface, slowly heating up as discontent with the status quo grows. Such rebellions manifest as potent and disruptive forces in the collective, however, only after critical mass is reached at the boiling point, so that they appear to arise full-blown and without precedent, as if out of nowhere.

Astrologer Lynn Hayes in an article Pluto in Capricorn and our decaying infrastructure, dt. June 13,2013 wrote:

One of the things I believe we’ll be facing over the next few years as Pluto travels through Capricorn is the erosion of the structures that support our human lives on the planet. Bridges, tunnels, buildings – all are ruled by Capricorn and subject to transformation while in Pluto’s domain… The billions of dollars we are pouring into the war in Iraq in a vain attempt to rebuild the infrastructure there before it is torn down again is robbing us from the opportunity to rebuild our own country. There’s nothing like a good swipe of Pluto through Capricorn to collapse a few dams and power grids to demonstrate where our priorities should lie.

This decay can be seen not only in the visible infrastructure but also in government institutions. With Saturn meeting Pluto the urgency for repair is heightened. Because Saturn marks the ending of things, it’s meeting with Pluto will also bring a line in the sand. Systems can topple, quickly or over time. Dams and bridges, cities and civilizations and the invisible infrastructure that supports them may tremble and be destroyed before they rise, reborn, in a new form.

Here is the Wynn Key Return for the US Sibly. The angles of the Wynn Key Return progress very slowly so that the chart presented can be taken to be more or less valid for the remaining part of this year as Mars completes the exact square to Pluto for the last time. During this period Mars is conjunct the star Acamar. Theta (θ) Eridanus, Acamar, is a star in the celestial  River Eridanus [1].

Al Pherg of Pisces, Beta Fornax of the Furnace, and Acamar of Eridanus mark the cusp of sidereal Pisces-Aries. Acamar enters the last couple degrees of sidereal Pisces. Beta Fornax of the Furnace lies exactly cuspal, and Al Pherg lies along the cord that ties the eastern upright fish of Pisces to the western fish of earlier Pisces, entering just across the cusp into sidereal Aries.

These stars thus mark the transition from emotional Piscean aquatics to the hot fiery Arian desert. To discuss them together brings greater context to the cusp and to our lunar theme as well.

Acamar, Theta 1,2 of ERIDANUS, is a primary stop or stoppage along the long and winding river of Life. Acamar is the dam, and indicates that emergence from the belly of Cetus (the technobureaucratic monster of collective human consciousness) requires a breakthrough that will lead us from the foul digestive juices of Cetus and into a greater freedom of being. Alignments here can fool one in thinking the forging they have just gone through in the belly, and their emergence marks the end of their journey, when in fact it is but the door merely opening to be worthy to begin the real work. Alignments here can also manifest as aliments due to the denial to pursue the physical clearing required to purge what has been taken on through our earlier journeys in life [2].


And finally like I have said so often, there is never just one mundane chart that indicates that a particular planetary configuration is active. Here is (a) chart for Mars ingress into sidereal Aries (b) Trump’s lunar return chart. Notice the Mars-Pluto square making hard aspects to the angles. 


