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Hyperaggressive Squirrels Terrorize Rego Park


Angry squirrel

"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." Gospel of Thomas

As 2020 draws to a close, residents of quiet Rego Park, best known to many Americans as the neighborhood from "King of Queens", are facing off against a fresh horror: hyperaggressive squirrels. According to the local Patch website, at least five people in the neighborhood have been bitten or scratched by squirrels on 65th Road and 65th Drive within the last month. 

Astrologers have long recognized that images that resonate with the current planetary climate are more likely to make it to the news. To this end, the system is constantly asking us to become co-creators with the cosmic powers behind the manifest world and will choose people and events to bring its message out.

The long awaited Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December  (chart above) took place amid the stars of Aquila– the Eagle, a predatory bird known for its aggressiveness. Generally the stars of Aquila are of applied personal force and power to achieve our greater aspirations in life.

About the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, I wrote in a previous post:

With the Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, we get to manifest some of what has been typically kept under wraps because of hidden fears, internal taboos, shame, intimidation or ignorance of our potential.  With the combination squared by  Mars in Aries, the desire for independence from any kind of dominance or control becomes urgent.

How strange? Squirrels were being hyper aggressive while the general American populace slumbers under the authoritarian tyranny of governments and institutions. Were the little critters relaying  a cosmic message? Stand up for your rights or be prepared to be destroyed! (Gospel of Thomas message?)

Not convinced? Let us look at some other pieces of the puzzle.  Straddling the meridian is the Mars-Pluto square.  In a very positive sense, this combination is about courage that moves mountains for the good of the whole.  Next we have Uranus on the Ascendant amid the stars of the charging Ram opposite the asteroids  Artemis and Siva. Together the two asteroids indicate “angry animals”.
