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Al Jazeera to open a US conservative news platform


Upon the announcement this week that Qatar-based Al Jazeera plans to open a US conservative news platform it seemed the near universal reaction on social media was to say simply, weird. "Al Jazeera, the Qatar-based news network that has previously sought to become a liberal media force in the US, is launching a platform to target conservatives, it was revealed on Tuesday," The Guardian reports.  Feb. 25

In a previous post, Uranus stations direct, [1]  I wrote:

Uranus is a celestial alarm clock, a rude awakening to the aspects within our nature which have been lying dormant and untried.  A direct station then  works  to dislodge hidden traits from which we have been consciously separated.  On some level everyone has a desire to create the perfect system and destroy existing systems. Uranus retrograde transits provoke an internal revolution against systems that no longer support evolutionary growth. We gradually replace old models with new models as the slow process of the Uranus transit through a house transforms our perspectives. The ‘new’ model which Uranus initially introduces is virtually impossible to use in its ideal form, and  initially results in frustration and disillusionment . Often the direct station offers the opportunity to act on the new models.

Following Uranus station direct  on Jan 14, Mercury – the planet that rules the media – went through its retrograde cycle from Jan. 30 to Feb. 21. Al Jazeera announced the launching of the new platform on Feb. 23, just two days after Mercury went direct.

 Here is the chart for the Mercury  station drawn for Doha where Al Jazeera has its headquarters. Notice the alignment of the now direct Uranus opposite Poseidon aligned with the meridian.

Martha Wescott interprets this as:

Uranus-Poseidon:  to hear of the bolt out of the blue  new ideas through electronic media.

And let us not overlook, the Mercury- Saturn square Uranus  combination which is part of the Grand Cross that straddles the meridian. In its positive manifestation, Saturn can operate on progressive social levels in humanistic Aquarius. Saturn’s need for lasting frameworks combined with Aquarius’ desire for mass enlightenment suggest our tendency is to revolt against obsolete patterns of social behavior or useless traditions, usually in an attempt to instigate new and effective structures within our existing society.

