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Astrology of Tiger Woods’ accident


Mercury depicted running!

US golfer Tiger Woods was hospitalized Tuesday after a car crash in which his vehicle sustained "major damage," the Los Angeles County Sheriff's department said.According to police, Woods was traveling at "greater than normal" speed at the time of the crash, and he hit a curb and then a tree. Emergency personnel responded to the accident at 0712PT in Rancho Palos Verdes, Ca.


A well-timed horoscope contains warnings about our natural proclivities that might lead to disaster. The horoscope of Tiger Woods as provided by Astro-Databank [1] is reproduced here. Notice Mars in Gemini on the MC. Gemini is a sign ruled by Mercury. The planet Mercury rules transport in our immediate environment: bikes, scooters, cars, etc.. Astrologers therefore associate impulsive and rash Mars in Gemini with the possibility of road accidents. Here Mars is  semisquare Saturn which in turn is opposite Mercury.

Saturn indicates restrictions as well as lessons of patience and discipline in everyone's chart. It also stands for anything which puts a barrier in your path, e.g. a huge truck pulling in front of you when you are in a hurry.

Mars represents your physical drive and the action-oriented side of your nature. This side of you is impulsive and impatient and wants immediate results.

If we now progress Tiger Wood’s chart we get  solar arc Saturn [17vi] square radix Mars [17ge]. A progression will act out what was potential at birth. Therefore, the accident.

In passing, let us also note that the December solar eclipse [23sa] fell opposite   Tiger Wood’s MC  conjunct his Moon [22sa] activating the Moon-Mars-Saturn combination. Incidentally, at the reported time of the accident  0712PT  the MC was exactly [23sa] – the degree position of the eclipse. Notice the current Saturn-Uranus square (also related to accidents) making hard aspects to the MC and therefore Tiger Woods'  radix MC [23ge].

Finally take a look at an ancient depiction of the constellation of Auriga – the Charioteer whose stars are conjunct Tiger Woods’ radix Mars [17ge]. 

