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Bird believed extinct spotted in Borneo


A team of researchers from Indonesia and Singapore has found evidence of the continued existence of a bird long thought extinct. In their paper published in the journal Birding ASIA, the team describes the history of the bird, why it was thought to be extinct and how it was found in Borneo. Feb. 26


In this blogpost we will examine how the Full Moon of Feb.27  has “helped”  researchers to arrive at their conclusion. Notice that at Borneo, the chart for the Full Moon has the Uranus-[Saturn-Mercury] square aligned with the angles. In addition the luminaries i.e. Sun and Moon both make aspects to the Saturn-Uranus square.

 The Sun is placed in the 8th house of death  - here extinction of the species  - makes a hard aspect to the Uranus/Hades midpoint.

Uranus-Hades: Changes, modernization or updates (Uranus) to mistakes or past understanding (Hades).

We're not even through the first quarter of 2021, but we're already about to experience a life-altering planetary aspect: On February 17, a square will form between Saturn and Uranus..These two planets are vastly different. "While traditional Saturn likes to build and preserve, Uranus likes to change and destroy," Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for, tells Refinery29. "This aspect is basically the old versus the new, a clash between rebellion and tradition.

With Mercury conjunct Saturn square Uranus, in our present context, the quote above can be interpreted as an overthrow of old ideas and replacement by new discoveries.
