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Eclipse reveals secrets of a Pharaoh’s death


Since the mummy of pharaoh Seqenenre Taa II, who ruled over southern Egypt in the 16th century BCE, was found in the 1880s, researchers have debated the circumstances of his obvious murder. Visible to the naked eye, the king's crushed facial bones, punctured skull, and contorted hands tell a grisly but incomplete story. Was he the victim of a palace conspiracy? Did he die as a prisoner of enemy invaders?

The researchers suggest that Seqenenre was most likely captured in battle against the Hyksos, an Asian dynasty that occupied Egypt at the time, then bludgeoned to death while his hands were bound behind his back. They published their study today (February 17) in Frontiers in Medicine.


Eclipses have a reputation for “causing” major events especially if they align with the angles at any place. The Nov. 30 lunar eclipse at Cairo fell on the meridian. The eclipse Moon [8ge] was conjunct the lower meridian (4th house cusp). Among other things the 4th house rules  “everything that relates to the foundation and roots of our existence”, the past or history of the land [1].  The Moon was conjunct the Uranus/Hades midpoint. A simple interpretation of this combination is “new technology reveals secrets of the past”. So it is quite appropriate that we are coming to learn the circumstances of the Pharaoh’s death using advanced CT scans.

Moreover, the Sun on the MC is conjunct the  royal star Antares. Antares was the Sumero-Akkadian Dar-lugal, “The Great One, The King” reputed to confer high positions but with danger of a subsequent fall most often because of some obsession.

Seqenenre Tao (also Seqenera Djehuty-aa or Sekenenra Taa, called 'the Brave') ruled over the last of the local kingdoms of the Theban region of Egypt in the Seventeenth Dynasty during the Second Intermediate Period.

About Antares and other stars close by,  Diana Rosenberg writes:

Combined with the overlay of tropical Sagittarius, these remarkable stars offer guts, intellect and the possibility of great power, authority and prosperity, but also a tendency to belligerence, violence, suspicion, self-destructiveness and possible loss of position and property….Overconfidence and arrogance can get them into trouble, for they may go overboard and come to believe themselves infallible.

Among issues connected with this star, she includes “head injuries…murder and assassination” which is what the CT scan has revealed.

But how can we be sure that it is indeed the Nov.30 eclipse that is revealing the secrets of the King’s death. Regular readers will know that the dates on which the progressed eclipse chart brings the eclipse once again in aspect to the angles are crucial dates when the eclipse is activated.

Here is the chart for the eclipse progressed to Feb.17, the date of the publication of the study. Notice that the eclipse axis that was aligned with the meridian is now exactly square it.


