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Full Moon and the United Airlines fire


Charts are true. Utterly. With a precision that can stun. The task, then, is to learn and understand the factors and techniques that reveal the truth and to honor serve and embrace the knowledge of Self and the profound gift of life events – Martha Wescott


A United Airlines flight was forced to return to Denver International Airport Saturday after it suffered an engine failure shortly after takeoff, sending aircraft debris raining down on soccer fields, homes and yards in a Denver suburb. United Flight 328 returned to the airport around 1:30 p.m. after suffering an engine issue, an airport spokesperson told CNN. The flight had been bound for Honolulu. Feb 21


Astrologers routinely draw charts for New Moons and Full Moons to assess the nature of events that are likely to take place. Here is the chart for the upcoming  Full Moon  drawn for Denver.  The Full Moon [8vi] is placed in the 9th house which, among other things,  is linked to airlines and aircrafts [1]. Since the Full Moon makes a sharp Grand Cross with the horizon axis, its energy is likely to be felt strongly at the place. In addition it makes hard aspects to the Zeus-Pluto square.

In his book, Planets in Transits, for a Sun-Pluto hard aspect, Robert Hand writes:

As with other Sun-Pluto combinations, with this one you may have to contend with the breakdown of machines or situations. Anything that tends not to function very smoothly will work very poorly. It is time to straighten out the situation or fix up the mechanical problem.

 Now to this add, Martha Wescott’s  keyphrases for the TNP Zeus – fires, motors, engines, fuel [2] and you have the complete picture for what happened with the United Airlines flight



