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Full Moon reveals failure of the F-35 program


A tacit admission by the US Air Force that the F-35 has failed its main mission has triggered an outpouring of outrage from Americans who think the stealth fighter’s gargantuan budget could have been better spent on other things. Frustration with Lockheed Martin’s fifth-generation stealth jet flooded Twitter on Wednesday, after Forbes magazine published a story about how USAF commissioning a study into a new, cheaper and lighter fighter amounts to “a tacit admission that the F-35 has failed.” 

A  previous post entitled “The horoscope of the F-35 Stealth Fighter” [1] discusses the problems associated with the aircraft. The radix chart has a Sun-Pluto conjunction opposite the TNPs Kronos-Hades. The December 14, 2020  total solar eclipse fell exactly on the radix Sun activating the combination. Eclipses are associated with endings or death more so if they fall on Pluto as in this case.

The Full Moon of Feb.27 is placed in the 9th house linked to long distance  journeys  and by association to aircrafts. Moreover, the Moon makes hard aspects to a Zeus-Pluto square that straddles the meridian. Among other things the TNP Zeus has connections to weapons and the military [2]. Pluto often functions to reveal problems that may have been hidden. Pluto is about integrity. Think of integrity  as an unimpaired condition or soundness.  In its positive expression, Pluto reveals all that makes something unsound or impaired.  Here it is placed amid the stars of the Eagle and the Archer often jointly depicted as in the image above. Doesn’t that look like a modern day fighter aircraft!

Now have a look at the Sabian symbol for the Moon [ 9 Virgo]


KEYNOTE: The urge to express one’s individualized sense of value regardless of tradition.

Notice that the Moon is anchored by aspects to the Saturn-Uranus square. Saturn is in Aquarius – a sign  associated with visionaries, inventors, and creators and their futuristic projects. When realistic Saturn  moves through Aquarius future-oriented objectives are more carefully evaluated with thoughtful consideration for their practical application. Saturn’s natural caution and insistence on practical functioning prevents Aquarius from unduly deviating from standards just for the thrill of trying something new or shaking up the status-quo.  Also, with Saturn square Uranus, the sporadic impulses of this high strung, unpredictable impulses planet are denied expression that could otherwise prove reckless and destructive.

The end of the F-35 program is an admission of the unsoundness of the “futuristic drawing”. 



