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NY Times warns against critical thinking


Critical thinking is dangerous, according to a Times editorial urging readers to vet sources with Wikipedia lest they fall into traps set by evil conspiracy theorists and be tricked into questioning the paper's iron-clad truths. Charlie Warzel, a Times columnist who styles himself an expert in "online radicalization," has implored his readers not to "go down the rabbit hole," in a Thursday op-ed luridly depicting the dangers of evaluating new information, questing out into the internet armed with nothing but one's own mind. It's logical that the Times should warn its readers against engaging too deeply with "wrongthink," of course - Times readers often lack a solid grasp of the views they consider to be their deeply-held beliefs, having picked them up absent-mindedly from one 'approved' source or another without thinking too deeply about their implications or how they might possibly conflict with their existing values.

The  Feb.18, Thursday oped  appeared just as Sun entered Pisces. A chart for the ingress drawn for New York is shown here.  We begin by looking at the T-square containing Saturn-Uranus-Poseidon straddling the horizon axis.

Saturn and Uranus possess contrasting qualities. Saturn in its diminished expression can be oppressive, righteous and controlling, wanting to own others and dictate behavior for them.  Uranus, on the other hand, insists on freedom to follow his own thoughts wherever they may go.   It detests  restrictions and insists on making innovative changes to the status quo.

The Saturn-Uranus square shows tension between the changes that need to happen and the obstacles, roadblocks, and resistance to that change. It can bring hidden truths to life, let the light in, and clear the cobwebs from our windows so we  can see what’s really going on.

Noticing that  Saturn and Uranus are part of a T-square with the TNP Poseidon [1], we begin to understand why the Times editorial is  urging readers to leave their critical thinking behind.



     Positive                                                                     Negative

Clarity of personal perception

Propaganda; Social & ideological manipulation

Full consciousness; Insight

Indoctrination. Programmed thinking


 Going further we notice that Neptune square the Moon’s Nodes  is anchored to the T-square.

The Moon's Nodes are related to the subconscious, the domain of the Moon. Thus, the South Node represents subconscious motivations that stem from the past and to which there is an inner inclination to cling although they may no longer be relevant or appropriate to the individual's situation and prospects, while the North Node represents conscious motivations relevant to the present and future, characterized by a desire for the unfoldment of appropriate changes in personal psychology.

 With the North Node (habits to cultivate) in Gemini we are being asked to be curious about everything, ask questions and analyze data.  With South Node (habits to leave behind) in Sagittarius we must overcome  our dependence on belief systems we have taken for granted.




In order to see a further example of the Saturn-Uranus square  energy at work, shown below is the chart for the Sun’s ingress into Pisces drawn for London, UK. Notice the square aligned with the meridian. News is coming in of the demand for a second referendum for Scottish independence.

 Yet another example of Saturn-Uranus square  at work. Actress Kim Kardashian  (b. 21 October 1980; 10:46 am; Los Angeles, California) is seeking divorce from her partner Look at her lunar return chart. Once again Saturn-Uranus aligned with the angles!
