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Saturn-Uranus square fuels mass migration from San Francisco


Over the past year we have seen a mass exodus from major cities along the west coast, but what is happening to San Francisco is particularly sad.  Once upon a time, San Francisco was one of the most beautiful cities on the entire planet.  There is so much culture there, and the rolling hills make it a place like no other.  And thanks to the tech boom in Silicon Valley, it has become one of the most prosperous cities in the whole country.  So why have hordes of San Francisco residents decided to leave and never look back? Feb. 15


The square aspect  between Saturn and Uranus in 2021 will be the defining astrological theme of the year forcing us to  experience  the disruption of our security.  The first of the three exact squares between Saturn and Uranus took place on Feb. 17. While the effect of the square  is worldwide, those places where the aspect appears on the angles in mundane charts are likely to feel it much more strongly.

Presented here is the chart for the exact square of Feb. 17 drawn for San Francisco. Notice that  Saturn is on the upper meridian  with the square to Uranus straddling  the meridian axis.

Saturn and Uranus possess contrasting qualities, including how the consolidating contraction of Saturn that lays down the laws that  build  enduring structures can come into conflict with the accelerated vision of Uranus that resists restrictions and insists on making innovative changes to the status quo.  Looked at in another way, the  San Francisco  population must make a choice between obeying laws that are clearly anti-people  or seeking freedom.

What is not shown in  the chart is that the lower meridian [IC}  is conjunct Praesepe, M44 Cancri, “The Beehive” cluster. Nick Fiorenza links this cluster with migration.

Praesepe primarily is of emergence, migration, new beginnings, shedding old skins, skeletons and cocoons, emerging out of the collective frenetic confusion of mass consciousness, finding one’s new path and direction; leaving behind old dwellings and the structures of consciousness they represent, and getting out of the collective dogma and the darkness it creates. Like the migration of bees from an old hive to a new one, alignments with Praesepe follow the character of that process.

While  that explains the mass migration from San Francisco, within our personal lives, we will have the opportunity to make ground breaking changes and steer our life in exciting, creative directions. As we will need to let go of old forms of security, we will also be able to take the risk to follow a more authentic path with our livelihood. The shattering influence of Uranus can dislodge the places where we have been stuck, forcing Saturn to release its repressive grip so that new vistas of expansive opportunities may enter our minds.
