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The Hague court orders lifting of ‘illegitimate’ curfew


The Dutch government has been told by the court to reverse its coronavirus pandemic curfew after The Hague ruled there was no legal basis for it and called it an infringement on people’s rights. In a statement, The Hague declared that the government's use of the Extraordinary Powers of Civil Authority Act – an emergency act which allows the state to bypass the legislative process to impose a curfew in “very urgent and exceptional circumstance” – was not justified in this case during the Covid-19 crisis. Feb 16

Maps drawn for lunations (New and Full Moons) are among some of the tools used in mundane astrology. When  these charts carry important planetary configurations on the angles they are especially significant for the place. Shown here is the chart for the current  New Moon  drawn for The Hague.  The New Moon is placed in the 6th house of public heath  square Mars in the 9th house of law courts. So it is not surprising that the court took a stand on the coronavirus pandemic curfew.

 Also  Neptune square the nodal axis aligns prominently with the angles. This combination promotes falsehoods and deception  which  sweep us into situations where the bottom false out as soon as reality hits. Notice that  Saturn, the planet of hard reality, semi-squares Neptune, the planet of illusions. A hard aspect  between Saturn and Neptune is  about knowing the difference between fact and fiction.
