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Trump is winning election lawsuits


The party line with regard to the 2020 presidential election, aggressively promoted by America’s corporate media and Big Tech, is this: There was no election fraud because the courts have said so. Both claims are false. Not just questionable, but dead wrong. By now, most people know that America’s corporate media and Big Tech have aggressively and punitively suppressed an open discussion of possible election irregularities. But have you noticed that – to prop up their version of reality – they’ve simply stopped reporting on the dozens of ongoing lawsuits that are slowly wending their way through the court system? At most, they will simply make a blanket statement along the lines of “Trump has lost all the lawsuits that have come before the courts.” … Nothing could be further from the truth, as Physicist John Droz has discovered. Droz assembled a team of his fellow scientists and engineers – all volunteers – to take a close look at the lawsuits that have been filed, all of which are a matter of public record, and to summarize the results.


Maps drawn for lunations (New and Full Moons) are among some of the tools used in mundane astrology. When  these charts carry important planetary configurations on the angles they are especially significant for the place. Shown here are the charts for the upcoming New Moon  drawn for and Washington DC. 

The New Moon placed in the 9th house] ruling  law courts [1] is conjunct the Admetus/Poseidon midpoint.

The tables provided by Blake Finley [2]  give us the negative and positive manifestations of the TNPs.


 [+]Clearing away of nonessentials

 [-] Drawing of premature conclusions.



[+] True understanding.; Clarity of personal perception; Insight

[-] Propaganda; Social & ideological manipulation. Mindless parroting of ideas or beliefs. Indoctrination

When we combine these we can see how Martha Wescott arrives at her delineation.

Admetus/Poseidon: to recognize density and resistance as an obstruction to truth, clarity and new ideas; to do the groundwork for a project or to be aware of the  seminal process through which ideas, truth and receptivity grow.

And of course by combining Blake Finley’s phrases we can arrive at a  similar conclusion.

[-] Propaganda and mindless parroting of ideas makes people draw premature conclusions

[+]  Doing the groundwork to clear away false propaganda eventually  brings truth and clarity.

As always there is never just one element hanging loose in a chart. In previous posts we have discussed Neptune square the Nodes..   "false idealism can sweep us into situations where the bottom false out as soon as reality hits" . Here Saturn, the planet of hard reality, semi-squares Neptune, the planet of illusions on the MC.

A hard aspect  between Saturn and Neptune is  about knowing the difference between fact and fiction. Under the influence of the semi-square, those already committed to veiling the truth have been spreading stories intended to distract, bamboozle and manipulate the gullible masses. At best, this semi-square could reveal previously hidden information with the power to clarify muddy waters and provide vital details.



