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Astrology of the Indonesia tornado


A fierce tornado destroys buildings in Cimenyan, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. March 28 202



Maps drawn for lunations (New and Full Moons) are among some of the tools used in mundane astrology. When  these charts carry important planetary configurations on the angles they are especially significant for the place. Shown here is the chart for the Full Moon   drawn for Bandung. Notice  the Saturn-Uranus square straddling the meridian.

In a previous post [1], I wrote:

Saturn Uranus alignments represent periods of radical change and disruption to the status quo. They’re good times to break out of old habits and patterns that have become too restrictive and limiting).  Any structures in our lives that no longer serve a useful or creative purpose can be dismantled and reformed – and we might not have much choice in the matter.

More specifically, Uranus [8ta] is on the  4th house cusp (IC) which in mundane astrology rules “buildings” [2]. Moreover it placed  amid stars of  the Arabic lunar mansion Al Sharatain.  About which Diana Rosenberg writes [3]:

Arabs said Al Sharatain brought “whirlwinds:” planets transited these stars when in 1991, a massive cyclone with 145 mph winds hit Bangladesh; in 1955 a record of 110 tornadoes in 3 days hit 6 states – a monstrous twister hit Blackwell,OK killing 19, then obliterated Udall, KS killing 82; in 1969 Category 5 Hurricane  Camille hit the Gulf Coast leaving 400 dead; in1999 tornadoes hit Oklahoma and Kansas; the Great Miami Hurricane of 1926 hit Florida.


[1] Saturn square Uranus: Freedom from Slavery


[3]  Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.155-56)

Further reading:

Astrology of the US tornadoes
