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Astrology of the US tornadoes


A dangerous outbreak of severe thunderstorms is imminent for portions of the South and Southeast, where destructive winds, hail and tornadoes, some potentially strong, are expected Wednesday and Thursday. The onslaught of storms may set off a very active severe weather and tornado season across the Lower 48.


Charts for the phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. This is especially so at places where they bring significant planetary aspects to the horizon or meridian. Moon phases act as  local “step down transformers” for powerful energies generated by far away stars and planets that they aspect. And quite often, the images associated with  the star constellations are brought to our attention in surprising ways when Moon phases activate them.

Shown here is the chart for the Crescent Moon drawn for Washington, DC. Notice the Sun placed significantly on the Ascendant semi-square the Moon which makes hard aspect to the Saturn-Uranus square.  The energy contained in the Saturn-Uranus square is violent  which can show up as “rebellion” and “desire for freedom”.   Recall the saying “As Within, So Without”. This expression is considered to be a universal truth or law which shows us that the outside world is a reflection of our inner world. In nature the same energy can appear as a violent storm. And here more so, since the Moon and Uranus are in the Arabic lunar mansion Al Sharatain.  About this area Diana Rosenberg [1]  writes:

Manzil Al Sharatain’s “whirlwinds” prove out! Major historical storms occur under these stars: a Bay of Bengal cyclone that hit Calcutta in 1864, killing 50,000; the 1881 Haifong China cyclone  (thousands died) and the Canton typhoon of 1862, a huge cyclone hit Ganges delta in 1970 killing 300,000 – 500,000; the 1999 tornadoes that hit Oklahoma and Kansas. This was Mars at a 1992 solar eclipse, two months before Hurricane Andrews devastated Florida and at 2005 perigee Full Moon before Hurricane Katrina demolished New Orleans; Jupiter at the 1928 Lake Okeechobee hurricane that killed 5000 and many  others.


 [1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.165)


