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Centaur Nessus square the Nodes


Nessus and Deniara

The most poignant key concept  about Nessus comes from Melanie Reinhart: the buck stops here, indicating that it in some situations it speaks to the conclusion of the karmic cycle involved. Nessus helps us sever ties that bind us, ties that if we don't sever them they may just forever harm us. Nessus will reveal the truth to us in a painful way, but it gives us a chance to get out before it gets worst. This is where Nessus in transits becomes really important. They can signify the end to something major.

With Nessus, there may be some form of abuse of trust, and it may be subtle — until you see it clearly for what it is. An abuse pattern indicated by Nessus can be psychological, physical or sexual in nature; it can involve ‘potentially inappropriate’  behavior.  Nessus  is currently square the Moon’s  Nodes.

The Moon's Nodes are related to the subconscious, the domain of the Moon. Thus, the South Node represents subconscious motivations that stem from the past and to which there is an inner inclination to cling although they may no longer be relevant or appropriate to the individual's situation and prospects, while the North Node represents conscious motivations relevant to the present and future, characterized by a desire for the unfoldment of appropriate changes in personal psychology.

With the North Node (habits to cultivate) in Gemini we are being asked to be curious about everything, ask questions and form our own opinion.  With South Node (habits to leave behind) in Sagittarius we must overcome  our dependence on belief systems we have taken for granted.

With Nessus square the Nodes, we are being asked to examine our belief system about what we may have in the past considered as abuse  whether psychological, physical or sexual. This can bring to an end a karmic cycle of abuse or what was considered as  abuse.  In any case, the truth is  revealed, the perpetrator caught, the situation resolved and hopefully  responsibility taken. As an example  we have  recent news about  NY Governor, Andrew  Cuomo's (b.6 December 1957)  sexual harassment cases.  The South Node is transiting over  his Sun [14sa] with transit Nessus [14pi] square it.



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