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Merkel Cancels Lockdown Amid Backlash


One day after imposing a 5-day ultra-strict lockdown set to take effect over Easter weekend (presumably to head off any holiday-inspired spread), German Chancellor Angela Merkel has abandoned the plan, though Germany is still planning to extend its current restrictions through April 18. Merkel is dropping the plan after it inspired an intense public backlash and resistance by politicians in the opposition and Merkel's coalition, anonymous sources reportedly told Bloomberg.  Mar. 24


A  person for whom the universe is meaningful views all events as elements of a supremely ordered whole . No situation or event is out of place. Each event gives form to the prevailing planetary patterns. Astrologers routinely cast horoscopes for exact planetary aspects. On March 24, Mercury-Mars formed an exact square.  A chart for this mundane  event  at Berlin is shown here.

As always, aspects to the angles are the ones to focus on. Notice that the Saturn-Uranus square is prominently aligned with the horizon while the Mercury-Mars square is aligned with the meridian.  Simply put Mercury-Mars is about strong disagreements that can lead to angry outbursts.  About the Saturn-Uranus square, I wrote in a previous post [1].

Saturn and Uranus possess contrasting qualities. Saturn in its diminished expression can be oppressive, righteous and controlling, wanting to own others and dictate behavior for them.  Uranus, on the other hand, insists on freedom to follow his own thoughts wherever they may go.   It detests  restrictions and insists on making innovative changes to the status quo.

To complete the picture, here is Angela Merkel’s [2]  Wynn Key [3] return for March 24. Notice the same Saturn-Uranus square straddling the horizon.  We all co-create our reality. Faced with planetary hard aspects,  we make choices that split our  world.  Merkel, chose to identify with the Saturn end so that Uranus has been projected [4].





