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Overcoming fear leads to healing


One in two Austrians prefers to keep their opinions to themselves, partly due to fear of being labeled an "alt right," a new survey shows, as people in the Alpine land appear to grow wary of "exaggerated" political correctness. An increasing need to watch one's mouth, which is in no small way influenced by modern "woke" trends, seems to be "getting on the nerves" of many Austrians, a survey commissioned by Der Standard newspaper revealed. Indeed, 57 percent of respondents said they've grown tired of being "increasingly dictated" to what they can and cannot say. March 17

Astrologers have long recognized that eclipses tend to bring about endings and new beginnings. They offer a time to resynchronize our selves with the ever-changing cosmic currents supporting our evolutionary progression in consciousness. While an eclipse is worldwide in scope, its effect is more prominently felt at places where significant planetary combinations align with the horizon or meridian.

The total solar eclipse of Dec. 14 was part of a T-square with Neptune and the nodes,  which aligned with the meridian at Vienna, Austria.

 With the North Node (habits to cultivate) in Gemini we are being asked to be curious about everything, ask questions, analyze data and form our own opinion.  With South Node (habits to leave behind) in Sagittarius we must overcome  our dependence on belief systems often the result of  indoctrination by the lower vibrations of Sagittarius.

When personifying the lower vibration of Sagittarius, the archer is dogmatic. They somehow ingest the notion that all of the “truth” that they have been so fortunate to come in contact with needs to be spread urgently to everybody. MIND YOU, this is whether others are ready to listen or NOT. So, then the centaur takes it further (not in a positive way) and becomes the proselytizer and redeemer of “lost souls”.

The eclipse was placed  amid the stars of  Hercules, Scorpion  and  Ophiuchus . These are placed in the Indian lunar asterism Mula, ruled by the destruction goddess, Nirrti.

In bringing afflictions Mula Nakshatra also allows us to destroy their root, as long as they don’t overcome us. It shows the necessary destruction to precede a new creation. Nirriti is Alakshmi or the denial of Lakshmi (abundance and prosperity). She is Kali or the negative effect of time that we must protect ourselves from or use to our advantage. Here destruction is indicated in order to pave the way for a new creation.

 The Roman astrologer Manilius wrote of constellation Hercules, “from it comes comes the kind of thug who terrorizes a city”.  When we take personal responsibility for the difficult experiences with Hercules and the Scorpion, we  evolve out of a victim mentality and begin to heal ourselves with Ophiuchus, the Snake Handler.


If we  now progress the eclipse chart to March 17, the date of the news, the eclipse aligns with the progressed angles once again, implying that it has been triggered on that date giving rise to an event that symbolically contains the message of the eclipse.


  1. Perfect Javed, as always👍
    Wasn't yesterday March 17 not also the Nov 30 2020 Eclipse activation point (as in 'next phase'?

    1. Yes, indeed Linda. Mars [8ge] is now transiting over the Lunar Eclipse of Nov. 30 [8ge] on Biden’s radix Saturn [9ge] and the Sibly Uranus [8ge]. The eclipse was aligned with the meridian at Moscow. With Mars in Gemini over the eclipse, is it at all surprising that Putin has challenged Biden to a ‘live debate’?


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