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Saudi Arabia accepts defeat in Yemen


Bellerophon falling off Pegasus

Amid a growing number of Houthi-launched attacks on Saudi Arabian oil refineries which recently inspired the kingdom to launch a round of naval drills intended to intimidate, Saudi Arabia has proposed a sweeping cease-fire agreement that would end the world's worst humanitarian conflict and help revive Yemen's badly damaged economy. March 22


 The Saudi war  in Yemen began  on 26 March 2015, in response to calls from the pro-Saudi president of Yemen Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi for military support . The war and ousting of President Abd-Rabbuh Manṣour Al-Hadi in Yemen are not the results of a Houthi coup in Yemen. It is the opposite. Al-Hadi was ousted, because with Saudi and US support he tried to backtrack on the power sharing agreements he had made and return Yemen to authoritarian rule. The ousting of President Al-Hadi by the Houthis and their political allies was an unexpected reaction to the takeover Al-Hadi was planning with Washington and the House of Saud.[1]

Without the Saudis realizing it, a total  solar eclipse (on 20 March 2015), that took place just 6 days before the start of the war was about to influence the outcome in a disastrous way.  Notice that  it  was placed very significantly on the MC at Riyadh. Being a south node eclipse,  it is about ending patterns of behavior that no longer serve evolutionary growth.  The eclipse is part of a T-square containing Uranus-Pluto-Zeus-Mars.

Uranus-Pluto: to recognize that the threat of a separation or demand for independence can bring vindictive reactions or is based on an assertion of dominance (or attempt to regain control). [2]

Pluto-Zeus: Events in connection with weapons of mass destruction – and the use of weaponry to dominate, threaten or confront others.[2]

Mars-Pluto:  seeking to force the  will upon others for the sheer sake of power OVER others may result  in  disappointment all the way to self destruction. [3]

So instead of releasing control (s.node), the Saudis attempted the reverse the lesson of the eclipse with disastrous results. The eclipse [29pi] was conjunct  beta (β) Pegasus, Scheat, a deep yellow star on the leg of the Winged Horse.

The Pegasus Syndrome, as exemplified in the legends of Perseus and Bellerophon, is concerned with the innate ability possessed by some people to negotiate difficulties by rising above them, on the one hand, and the danger of overreaching themselves, on the other. As in the story, Bellerophon attempted to fly to Olympus (overreach his potential). He believed that Pegasus was subject to his will. However, it was Pegasus who made it to Olympus, while Bellerophon was tossed back to earth, lame and reproached by others. It is unwise to take any situation for granted as the 'lesser' person (or, in this case, beast) may be the very one to teach us the much needed lesson in humility. [Rich's Pegopedia]. [4]

If we progress the eclipse chart to March 2021, by the solar arc method (approx. a degree per year), the MC progresses to a conjunction with Uranus [15ar] square Pluto [15cp]. For Ebertin, Uranus-Pluto is “collapse of an old order and the beginning of a new one”.


[2] The Orders of Light; Martha Wescott 


