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Wall Street banks in ‘unprecedented’ selloff


 “The greatest and most powerful revolutions often start very quietly, hidden in the shadows. Remember that.” ― Richelle Mead

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have reportedly sold $19 billion worth of shares in Chinese tech and US media companies. Traders are now wondering what caused the unusually massive move and whether it will continue next week. Goldman Sachs alone liquidated $10.5 billion worth of stocks in block trades on Friday, Bloomberg reported citing the investment bank’s email to clients.

In financial astrology, the movement of the money planet Venus is closely tracked. On March 21, Venus entered Aries and subsequently conjoined the Sun on  Friday, March 26 when the Wall Street banks made their move. Do these banks know something that ordinary traders do not?  Highly likely. In a previous post [2], I have spoken about a potential crisis brewing around mid April when Pluto stations retrograde.

But for the moment, let us look at the chart for Sun conjunct Venus, drawn for New York. As always, the configurations aligned with the angles are the ones to focus on. Here a Saturn-Uranus-TNP Apollon T-square aligns with the meridian.

Uranus is known as "The Great Awakener," because he provides us with situations that help shake us into awareness and realize the truths and lies that we’re living. Though Taurus, the sign of the steady Bull, urges us to resist change, Uranus doesn’t like us to get too comfortable, because that’s when we become complacent. It’s a planet that forces us out of our comfort zones and encourages us to change for the better. While Uranus moves through grounded Taurus, it can rock our foundations in the areas Taurus rules: our finances, material possessions, and even our self-esteem.

Taurus is a sign that likes things steady and stable, and isn’t the best at handling big, sudden changes ... but big, sudden changes are what Uranus is all about! Taurus would prefer to stick to the status quo and keep doing things the way they’ve always been done. The problem is, the old ways aren’t always the best ways. Even if we are resistant to the changes Uranus in Taurus brings, we have no choice but to go along for the ride, and, chances are, we’ll realize in the end that these changes brought us to a much better place.

Among other things the TNP Apollon is linked to “business situations”[1], so that the T-square is essentially saying that the old model (Saturn) of business (Apollon) connected to finance is (Taurus)   going to get shaken up (Uranus).

Finally take a look at the chart for Goldman Sachs’ date of incorporation (June 2, 1988; London) [3]. It has radix Pluto [10sc] opposite Jupiter [19ta] which translates to big (Jupiter) money (Pluto). With transit Uranus  at [9ta] this opposition is beginning to get triggered.

Uranus-Pluto: sudden large scale financial changes.

Jupiter-Pluto is a combination that is associated with large and extravagant projects. Steven Forrest describes Jupiter-Pluto hard aspects thus: 

Under hard aspects between Pluto and Jupiter, faith is embattled. Perhaps someone has gone down a road for the wrong reasons…Comforting but phony elements of your life must be released and new possibilities seized under less than auspicious circumstances. 



