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Are Russia and Ukraine Sliding Into War?


On March 24th, Ukraine’s President Vladimir Zelensky signed what was essentially a declaration of war on Russia. In the document, titled Presidential Decree No. 117/2021, the US-backed Ukrainian leader declared that it is the official policy of Ukraine to take back Crimea from Russia. The declaration that Ukraine would take back Crimea from Russia also followed, and was perhaps instigated by, President Biden’s inflammatory and foolish statement that “Crimea is Ukraine.” 

After six years of an uneasy and at times violent truce, the specter of a new war is looming large in Russia-Ukraine relations. The situation is especially volatile in Donbas, where the ceasefire between the Ukrainian army and Moscow-sponsored breakaway territories has effectively broken down.

The national horoscope of Ukraine (superimposed on the directed chart) is shown here. The most important current  progression  ( “hour” hand of clock) for this chart is “solar arc Saturn opposite  radix Sun [0vi]” in the 8th house.

Among other things, the eighth house in a mundane horoscope rules “danger to the people through war or national disasters” [1].

The “hour” hand has received at least two “minute” hand transits in the month of March. On March 5, transit Mars [0ge] formed a square to radix Sun [0vi] followed by transit Mercury [0pi] opposite radix Sun [0vi] on March 16.

In his Planets in Transit, Robert Hand interprets Saturn transit opposite the Sun which can also be used for  delineating “solar arc Saturn opposite  radix Sun [0vi]”

Saturn Opposition Sun

This may be a very discouraging time. Your vital energies are at a low, and you may feel quite incapable of dealing with the adversities that often accompany this transit. These adversities may come from a number of sources. First of all, other people - particularly employers and other persons in authority - may oppose your plans in several areas. This is not usually a good time for successfully attaining your goals. 

Your ambitions may also be thwarted by circumstances or by other people. Even though you and your associates have the best intentions for your future, something seems to block you. It is possible that you may be caught in some kind of relationship, for example, a bad marriage or !ove affair that limits your self-expression. Quite frequently this transit brings such relationships to an end. 

As Ron Paul points out in his article, it is the US that is pushing Ukraine to go to war with Russia. It is up to Ukraine to maintain its integrity and refuse to do so. Is there an astrological indicator in the Ukraine chart that indicates the challenge? Indeed, the radix Sun is conjunct the star Regulus of Leo about which Nick Fiorenza writes: 

Regulus is about our inner "vertical integrity," that is, living true to self, openly on the world stage. This means walking in confidence and with self-respect, aligned with the truth in our hearts, in thought, word, and deed. Our personal integrity, our inner vertical attunement, must precede any horizontal, humanitarian participation in the world (Leo's opposite Aquarian pole). Without this inner integrity we become self-sacrificing, entrapped in a sympathetic resonance of dance, giving self away at the cost of our hearts' truth. This perpetuates discord and dysfunction for self and for others because we are simply living a lie. Only by living from our personal integrity and true to heart do we provide opportunity for others to also stand in their integrity and live their truth.


To understand how dangerous the situation is, we take a look at the chart of the lunar eclipse of Nov. 30, 2020 drawn for Moscow, Russia. Notice that the eclipse axis is significantly aligned with the meridian. Moreover, the eclipse is conjunct  Joe Biden’s radix Saturn [9ge] and  what astrologers refer to as the “Nuclear Axis” [9sa-9ge] [2]. This axis seems to appear with regularity in the charts of nuclear events.   In March 2021, transit Mars has been going over the eclipse Moon thereby activating it. Unless common sense prevails, the danger of a nuclear war is real.




