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Biden calls for end to Afghan war


The US will continue to support Afghanistan after withdrawing all US troops, but not "militarily," President Joe Biden has pledged. "It is time to end America's longest war," he said in a speech from the White House room where US airstrikes there were first declared in 2001.


A  person for whom the universe is meaningful views all events as elements of a supremely ordered whole . No situation or event is out of place. Each event gives form to the prevailing planetary patterns. Astrologers routinely cast horoscopes for exact planetary aspects. A chart for the exact Sun-Jupiter sextile  on April 15 drawn for Washington, DC  is shown here.  As always alignments with the angles are the ones to focus on. Notice that the Sun on the MC is part of a kite configuration [1]. The Sun is also square Pluto and at the midpoint of the Mars-Jupiter trine. 

For Mars-Jupiter, Reinhold Ebertin writes: 

Principle: a fortunate decision

Probable Manifestation:  Resolutions and decisions, the settlement of conflicts, the stage of clearing the air after the termination of disputes or quarrels 

And, Robert Hand explains the energy of the Sun-Pluto square: 

Sun Square Pluto 

This is a day when you may have to encounter and even oppose powerful pressures and forces exerted upon you, both from without and from within. The way you live and exert your energies will be tested today, perhaps forcing you to make radical changes in the areas of your life that you find are not working very well. The best way to use this influence is to let go of old patterns of behavior that today's events demonstrate to be invalid. Holding on to them will only make your life more difficult, and if you give them up, you will have room for the positive creative changes that can take place now..

The energies leading to the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan is elegantly summed up by the two authors. 


