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CNN Can't Stop Losing Viewership


In the first three weeks of 2021, the network  (CNN) averaged 2.2 million viewers - only to plummet to just one million viewers - a decline of 54%. Among the key advertising demographic of adults age 25-54, ratings are down 60%. From December 28 through Inauguration day, viewership went from 617,000 viewers in that demographic to just 244,000 since Biden took office. Apr.17


The Cable News Network was launched at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on June 1, 1980 at Georgia, Atlanta [1]. CNN’s horoscope based on this data is shown here.  The natal Sun in Gemini – a sign associated with communication and the news media makes a hard aspect to the Ascendant – Pluto – TNP Poseidon conjunction. In her book The Orders of Light, Martha Wescott delineates Pluto-Poseidon as under:

Pluto-Poseidon: to recognize the pervasive and invasive power of the media, advertising or ideologic propaganda; to see attempts to influence, control, dominate or manipulate people through these things. [2]

To find out what is going on  in this horoscope, we look at the most important  current solar progression – Progressed solar arc Sun [20cn] forming a square to radix Pluto [19li] and Poseidon [23li]. Notice that the April New Moon [22ar] fell opposite the radix Pluto-Poseidon conjunction acting as  the “minute hand” of the cosmic clock triggering the solar direction.

In addition, the Crescent Moon of April 17 fell on CNN’s radix Sun [11ge] in the 8th house of death and dissolution. A chart for the Moon phase has the Sun-Pluto square significantly aligned with the meridian at Atlanta. As with other Sun-Pluto combinations, with this one we often  have to contend with the breakdown of situations. It  urges us to let go of old patterns of behavior. 



[2] The Orders of Light; Martha-Lang Wescott; p.101
