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COVID-19 and the Saturn-Uranus square


A pneumologist has been cleared of suspicion of “malpractice” by the Bihor Medical College in Romania after having been summoned on Monday (Apr.12)  to present her personal method for treating COVID-19 patients, which she claims has already allowed her to cure up to 1,000 patients. Flavia Groșan, from Oradea near the Hungarian border, has been vocal in the Romanian media regarding her choice not to apply official protocols to treat COVID-19 patients at all stages of the illness, instead approaching the disease as an “atypical pneumonia.”


The year 2021 is primarily under the influence of  the Saturn-Uranus square. The first of three exact Saturn-Uranus squares was on February 17th, the last is December 23rd. These planetary archetypes are in a necessary and destined clash with one another throughout the year, defining the outlines for the astrological story of 2021.

With Saturn in Aquarius, ruled by its modern ruler Uranus,  we say that Uranus wins over  Saturn. This is very telling and suggests that change will prevail in this clash against the status quo. It is finally time for things to shift towards greater equality, empowering new technologies and a new vision for the future, all things governed by Uranus.

In the same way, the old structures of Saturn, the rules and regulations we know are unjust,  the commitment to policies we now recognise as self-destructive and divisive, the bureaucratic red tape that holds us back from making positive change, these will all eventually be overcome by the desire and impetus towards  growth and evolution.

A chart for the sidereal Capricorn Ingress of the Sun drawn for Oradea has a powerful Grand Cross aligned with the angles. More specifically, the Cross contains the Saturn-Uranus square with the asteroid Hygiea (medical issues) on the MC.  In simple terms, this means that the clash between Saturn-Uranus would be be felt strongly in terms of health issues at Oradea.

The dates on which the progressed angles realign with the Grand Cross are potentially days on which the chart is activated, as it was on April 12,  leading to an event that contains the essence of the Saturn-Uranus square - status quo facing off against the inevitability of change.
