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Oscars plunge to lowest ratings in HISTORY


The Academy Awards hit rock bottom with its Sunday night disaster, bringing it into line with the rest of US awards – with audiences having grown tired of the woke sermons and politics that increasingly dominate such shows. Apr. 26


The 93rd Academy Awards ceremony, honoring the best films of 2020, was held on April 25, 2021 at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, California just a day before the Full Moon in Scorpio.  The Sun-Moon axis straddles the square from Saturn in Aquarius to Venus- Uranus in Taurus which is significantly aligned with the horizon. With Venus conjunct Uranus (change)  square  Saturn (stasis) , a force of disruption challenges our ideas about things we may have valued.

Erin Sullivan refers to Venus as the elegantiae arbiter – the arbiter of taste. Venus stands guard against that which will poison us or render us outmoded.  Venus-Saturn-Uranus are  times when our taste changes. In Taurus we hold on to our current values, and in Scorpio we must let go of  these values in order to become transformed in the purging fire.

The Scorpio Moon makes a hard aspect to Neptune in the 5th house.

The Fifth house has relation to all forms of national pleasures, enjoyments, entertainment, film, industry, film studios, theatres, cinema halls, public parks, high society, actors, all forms of speculation in their pleasurable aspects. 

It should, therefore, not be too difficult to see why the Oscar Awards no longer appeal to the general public.

Finally, we note that the horoscope of the First Oscar Award (May 16, 1929) has Neptune [28le]. That places Oscar’s radix Neptune on the MC  [28le] of the Full Moon chart .

Neptune in Leo is creative and has a natural flair for entertainment, film, theatre and fashion. …It  loves color and drama… movie stars and other famous people.

Transit Jupiter [27aq] opposite  the Oscar Neptune [28le] is a combination that is linked to big (Jupiter) failures (Neptune).  Keywords that describe the action of Neptune include “dissolution” and “disintegration”. This cosmic clash between the two giants  stirs up confusion and delusion, snapping us out of denial with uncomfortable but necessary reality checks. The accompanying Saturn-Uranus-Venus  square  challenges our ideas about the value of the structures which underpin our society and much of our lives. 
