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The horoscope of Michel Foucault


Centaurus sacrifices Lupus on Ara, the Altar

The philosopher Michel Foucault, a beacon of today's "woke" ideology, has become the latest prominent French figure to face a retrospective reckoning for sexually abusing children.


The theme that underlies all Foucault's work is the relationship between power and knowledge, and how the former is used to control and define the latter. What authorities claim as 'scientific knowledge' are really just means of social control.

Foucault's colleague Pierre Bourdieu summarized the philosopher's thought as "a long exploration of transgression, of going beyond social limits, always inseparably linked to knowledge and power."

Michel Foucault reformulated the philosophical issue of the Enlightenment by moving from a deliberate rereading of the Hegelian Centaur to an advocacy of the “death of man”—the extinction of a rational platform of knowledge along the lines developed by Immanuel Kant and the Enlightenment at the end of the eighteenth century.

Foucault turns the common saying "the body is the prison of the soul" and instead posits that "the soul is the prison of the body."

Michel Foucault’s horoscope as provided by Astro-Databank[1] is presented here. His Ascendant [4sc] is conjunct the stars of  Centaurus. The mythical Centaur is an animal-human hybrid that lives on the fringes of the human world and whose transgressions are experienced as revelatory and rejuvenating to the human who has neglected his animal half.

The Greeks understood this as the need to reconcile Apollo and Dionysus. Apollo represents order, civilisation and the determinate image; Dionysus represents nature, fertility, rapture, and the dissolution of individuation into collective expression. The separation of the animal from the human since at least the time of Aristotle necessitates a reconciliation with “animality” as it is understood, a deprivileging of reason over instinct and human over animal to recover a human that does not exclude itself.

Pluto, the ruler of Foucault’s Scorpio Ascendant, is placed in the 9th house of philosophy and higher knowledge, forming aspects to  Jupiter, Sun and Venus.  The  Jupiter-Pluto aspect  speaks about knowledge (Jupiter) and power (Pluto) essentially describing the nature of his work.

The Sun is conjunct the stars Spica of Virgo  / Archturus of Bootes, often portrayed as a divine couple in sexual union, symbolic of  the use / misuse of reproductive energies for healing and ascension/ depravity. 

Foucault’s  Pluto [16cn]  forms a square to Sun [21li] -  Venus [11li] conjunct in the 12th house of collective unconscious or humanity’s blindspot. In other words, his life work is about bringing to light  all that lies in the dark (Pluto) for humanity at its current level of understanding love and relationships (Venus). 

According to Richard A. Lynch, the purpose of Foucault's theory of power is to increase peoples' awareness of how power has shaped their way of being, thinking and acting, and by increasing this awareness making it possible for them to change their way of being, thinking and acting. 

In astrology Jupiter is Guru – the teacher who increases peoples’ awareness. When combined with Pluto it becomes the power to influence the masses. At  worst  Pluto-Venus aspects are capable of depravity but in their higher expression they can potentially transform(Pluto) our values (Venus).[2]  The ancient depiction of Centaurus taking the impaled Lupus (wolf) to the altar for sacrifice speaks for itself. The animal half is not repressed (leading to depravity..Scorpion in the image) but sacrificed to a divine purpose  (smoke from the altar reaches the gods).


[2] Venus-Pluto Aspects: The Dark Side of Cupid
