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The “music” of spiders



Today, a team of researchers at MIT report that they've translated  vibrations into musical tones. What's more, they raise the prospect of someday communicating with spiders, using their vibrational world as a medium for language. Apr.13

In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun have a traditional reputation as important events. Of these the Capricorn  Ingress chart  is considered by many astrologers to be the most important. They  often refer to it as the Annual Chart  and progress the angles to identify dates on which significant events can be expected to happen.  Presented here is the Capricorn Ingress chart for Cambridge, MA. As always mundane charts become significant for a place when planetary configurations align with the angles. Notice that here a complex configuration containing a Grand Cross is aligned with the meridian.  Apollon – Uranus is about innovative breakthroughs (Uranus) in science (Apollon). Uranus is in Tauras anchored to Neptune in Pisces on the IC.

Musical ability in astrology is connected with the zodiac signs Taurus and Pisces. There are some planets that are also important for musical talent: the Moon, Venus, and Neptune all have to do with music. In astrology, Taurus rules the vocal cords, the neck, throat, and the voice. The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus. Taurus is one of the most artistic signs in astrology, oriented on enjoying life and finding beauty in it…Pisces is the most mystical, otherworldly sign in astrology. Pisces belongs to a different realm, just like music. People with placements in Pisces often possess artistic talent of different kinds, including musical talent..Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of artistic inspiration, fantasy, music, dance, acting. Neptune is able to create an enchanting illusion through which we can escape reality. A prominent and well-aspected Neptune in the birth chart can also suggest musical and singing ability.[1]

Now here is where things get really interesting. Neptune on the IC [19pi] is conjunct the star beta Reticuli 21pi [2]

Reticulum means a netlike formation or structure; a network. .."In Ancient Rome a class of gladiator, the retiarius, was armed with a net which he used to immobilize his opponent by entangling him in the meshes, thus placing him at his mercy", "Nets may also be compared with the web in which spiders lurk for prey" [Penguin Dictionary of Symbols].[2]

By association the Reticuli is linked to the spider – the protagonist of the news story!  So is the (Tauras)  Uranus semi-square  (Pisces) Neptune with beta Reticuli pointing towards a breakthrough in understanding the music (vibrations) of the spider!!

As always to check whether the energies of a mundane chart are active on a particular day, one can progress the chart to see if the relevant configuration realigns with the angles (horizon or meridian). And sure enough on April 13, the date of the news, the progressed meridian aligns with the complex configuration “causing” the event. 




