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China Allows Families To Have Up To 3 Children




As concerns about China's looming population decline intensify (stoked by news that the country's birthrate fell to its lowest level in 2020 since CCP record-keeping began in 1949), Chinese news agency Xinhua reported Monday morning that the Politburo has decided to allow couples to have up to three children.May 31


Many  events can be explained by what astrologers call the station point. This  term refers to the period when a planet slows down and stands relatively still before changing directions, and either starts going backward ("retrograde") or forward ("direct"). Think "station" as in stationary, in other words.

While many astrologers look to the station point primarily for what it tells us about when and where a planet is changing direction, stations possess another level of meaning that's often overlooked, and which could be even more important in symbolism than its role as a directional marker. Why? Because in the process of slowing down and grinding to a seeming halt, the influence of that planet is dramatically amplified.

Mercury retrograde periods are well known for a change of mind. On May 30, Mercury [23ge] stationed to go retrograde conjunct the TNP Vulcanus [23ge] in China’s national chart where it is placed in the 5th house  square the TNPs Cupido [23vi] – Apollon [19vi] in the 8th house. In a national chart the 5th house is associated with the “national birth rate” [1] while the 8th is associated with “public mortality or death rate” [2]. A square aspect represents a crisis where the planets involved need to adjust to each other  to transform or regenerate one’s life. 

CUPIDO: issues connected with family.

APOLLON :  expansion; more than one.

VULCANUS : feeling forced; compulsion

Combining the keyphrases for the TNPs we can see why China is feeling the pressure to allow an expansion of the family. 





  1. Perhaps anticipating a notable population decline in the very near future?

    1. Indeed Jenny, that is the obvious reason! But look at how interesting it is that a national chart is activated in the relevant areas (5th – 8th) that reflect the problem just when they are forced to address it.


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